Dangers of Performing

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PROMPT: "You told me you were okay! You promised!"


In case you ever wondered what it was like to be the girlfriend of international pop star Harry Styles, I'll tell you. It involves a bit of chaos, a great chance of laughter, and a whole lot of worry.

Why worry? Because once the boy gets on stage, there's not much you could do to stop him, no matter how ridiculous it is.

So, when David headed out for yet another show, we had our traditional pre-show ritual.

"You have everything? Your ears, your water?" I asked.

"Yes Mom" he joked, waving his handful of essentials at me.

"Just checking! Have fun, but be careful, okay? I'm serious!" I said and gave him a kiss.

"I'll be okay, I promise. Nothing too dangerous.. today"he laughed and pulled me in for another kiss before finally heading out the door.

Most of the time I watch from the side of the stage, but today an old friend from high school was here to watch the show, so I decided to watch from one of the box seats.

It was turning out to be a fun show, but of course my Harry had to take it a step too far. He had just done another successful, but risky speaker jump when he began doing his infamous box jumps with Pauli. And, all the way from the box seats, I watched as his foot hit the edge of the platform and caused him to lose his balance. He had fallen pretty good and the crowd went wild in panic, making it hard for me to see what was going on down there. The medical crew did a good job of shielding the view as well while they went to his aid, and as the seconds ticked I grew more and more worried.

After the medical crew whisked him backstage, I got a slightly panicked call from a crew member telling me that I should head backstage because Harry was in fact hurt. Without another word or a chance for me to say anything, he hung up.

I quickly excused myself from the seats to rush back backstage, telling my friend I would check in when I had any news. Just as I got down the steps, I got a call from Harry.

"Hey babe, I'm ok, I promise! Jeff is overreacting. I told him not to let anyone call you, I didn't want to freak you out over nothing."

"Too late for that. I'm on my way. You better be okay you idiot" I said and hung up, getting back to the area and showing my pass to gain entrance.

Once I was inside, I got a text from Jeff that simply read "green room." I made my way there, tears already slowly rolling down my face as I began to panic. I still had no idea what actually happened to him and what I'd find when I opened the door.

"Babe" Harry said, sounding slightly scared as I walked in. I noticed he was trying to position himself further behind the medic attending to him, but he also didn't seem to be in too bad of shape.

"Let me see" I tried to maneuver around the couch to him. It took him a second, but when he saw my glare wasn't going away he shifted towards me.

"Harry Edward Styles! You told me you were okay! You promised! That does not look okay to me" I said and my eyes watered up again.

"It's fine! It's just gonna be a few stitches and stuff. It was good content" he pouted, trying to convince me it was all somehow worth it.

"I'm only giving this up for right now because I can tell it still hurts and you're gonna want cuddles. But this is not over. You need to be safer" I scolded and sat myself on the arm of the couch while they finished.

There was a bit of a delay as they assessed the situation and I tried to convince Harry to rest, but eventually he decided to go back out and finish the set, although he had to use a stool. Luckily, the fans all seemed to still have a great time and were probably just relieved that he came back out since he still had a few songs left.

On the way back home that night Harry tried to reason with me and insist that this was a one-off accident, but I insisted that this was the end of any crazy antics and jokingly told Pauli that I'd have his head if he encouraged a revival of the box jumps in the future. But in the end I still cuddled Harry the rest of the night in the hotel room and told him how incredible the show was until we drifted to sleep.

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