⌗ 02: Late night talks

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"Oh my! You've been here since yesterday?!" "That's right,i'm going to be staying with hinode-san for a while" "You're half japanese? How handsome you are!" "Thank you so much!"

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"Oh my! You've been here since yesterday?!" "That's right,i'm going to be staying with hinode-san for a while" "You're half japanese? How handsome you are!" "Thank you so much!"

Kazumi blinked as izana and a lady's conversation was going back and forth "Are you befriending the neighbors already?" Kazumi approached him as izana turned his head to look at her with a big smile on his face. "I was just taking out the trash and i met this lady from the 3rd floor!" He pointed to a girl as the young lady waved at kazumi, which she returned a small wave back.

"I wasn't aware that you had such a cute and cheerful friend, I was worried you didn't have any friends since you're always so gloomy" She chuckled, clearly mocking the girl as kazumi's eye twitched in annoyance 'What a pain in the ass..'

"Hinode-san isn't gloomy at all! She's a very kind person!" Izana defended, making the young lady raise her brow. "Oh, is that so?" She asked "She just doesn't exercise her facial muscles enough!" Izana reasoned out as kazumi sighed and walked away "See you later!" Izana said, waving her good bye as kazumi bit the inside of her cheek and furrowed her brows. 'What is this situation?'

Kazumi drank an ice coffee while thinking of what she should eat for dinner as her fanboys watched her from afar. "She looks troubled, maybe she's experiencing difficulties with this job" One of the boys worriedly said as the other boys nodded with his statement. "She's probably thinking about dinner,isn't she?" A girl grumbled as kazumi drank her iced coffee, unbothered by all the chatter about her whilst she focused on her computer screen. 'I wonder what he's going to do for dinner' Kazumi thought as she finished her report.

"Welcome back, hinode-san!" Izana opened the front door with a smile as kazumi blinked at him. "Thanks uh.." She still doesn't remember his name after a week of him staying in her apartment. "I'm izana! Remember my name please"

"Huh? Did you stop by the convenience store today as well?" Izana asked as he glanced at the plastic bag kazumi held. "No, I went to the supermarket.." Kazumi said as she gave it to izana and closed the door behind her. "Could it be that you got something for me?" Izana's eyes lit up "No,that's not it" Kazumi shot him down but izana didn't seem bothered by that as he still wore a smile. "I'm good at cooking so i'll prepare it" He said as he brung the food to the kitchen as kazumi followed behind him

"Ahh..oh yes, money for the food" Izana muttered "You can make it" Kazumi gave him permission as he looked up at her. "Okay! I'll take you up on that offer then!" Izana grinned as kazumi nodded, taking a soda from the fridge and walked away to leave izana with the food preparation.

"I'm glad to be eating like a normal person for these past 5-6 days" Izana sighed in relief as kazumi just stared at him with a blank expression. "It's so hard to tell when you don't show any emotions.." Izana pouted as kazumi just started to eat quietly in front him. "I know we agreed that i'll make the food and you pay, but starting tomorrow..let's split the cost of the food" Izana said making kazumi pause "What?"

"As i mentioned before, I have some money saved up so it'll be fine!" Izana reassured her "Okay, we'll do that" Kazumi agreed as she took another bite of what izana cooked. 'I'm upset, but for some reason i can't hate him. What a mysterious man' Kazumi thought as she looked up from her food to be met by a bright smile from izana, making her breath hitch a bit as a light red hue appeared on her cheeks. Izana didn't notice it though..

"You said you liked to travel around,why?" Kazumi suddenly asked as izana's smile faded, making him fidget in his seat. "I'm trying to find myself, I think i'm just looking for a place to belong to.." Izana said as kazumi's eyebrow raised "A place to belong to?"

"I've always felt like I didn't belong anywhere.." Izana told her, sadly smilling right after. "I don't either, not here, not at the university, I don't think I belong there" Kazumi sighed as she brushed her fingers through her hair "There's a lot of favouritism at school and when I get home, there's a man i don't know" Kazumi pointed at him as izana let out a chuckle.

"Well, I think worrying too much isn't good either" Kazumi added as izana became speechless at her chill persona. "I understand, then hinode-san..do you have a place to go?" Izana asked as kazumi let out a hum like she was thinking for a minute. "Well..my parents have a house in nyc" Kazumi mentioned as izana nodded in acknowledgement and started eating as well.

"Hinode-san..?" Izana called out as kazumi let out a groan, shifting her body towards the male. "You're not going to ask me anything?" Izana asked, kazumi didn't even bother to open her eyes. "Like what?" Kazumi asked in a sleepy tone. "Uhm..various things" Izana replied, slightly hesitating. "It's bothersome,so I won't ask.. but you're free to tell me anything you want" Kazumi told him as izana sat up from the futon and laid his head right next to kazumi's on the bed.

"I was never liked by my mother, I think she had sex with a foreign guy she didn't know" Izana started as kazumi listened quietly. "With a mother like that, I never had a crush on a girl" Izana mumbled the last part, making kazumi slightly open her eyes, she was curious about his story. "Well, I never fell in love with anyone, I don't know anything about love" Kazumi suddenly said as she stared into izana's eyes. "Oh, I see..then we're the same!" Izana grinned, their noses were almost touching because of the close-proximity.

"It's only been a couple days since i've met you, but no one was ever this kind to me before" Izana told her as kazumi's brow rose, she was unsure if her behavior towards him can be even classified as kind. "What? Me?" She questioned "Yes! I think people misunderstand you because of your expression-less face" Izana chuckled a bit as kazumi was taken aback, she wasn't expecting that.

"I'm going to look for a job and give it my best" Izana informed her, flashing her a bright smile before laying back down on the futon. "You better do your best.." Kazumi bid him as she shifted her position once more. "Good night, hinode-san" Izana said before tucking himself in and letting out a yawn. "Good night." Kazumi replied as she turned her body to face the wall. 'I can't leave him alone, his name was izana, wasn't it?' She was slowly closing her eyes due to drowsiness

'Maybe i'll call him that tomorrow..'

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