Chapter 1

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   The top heir to the throne, that's what Night was. She wasn't known for much else but her interesting mask. By interesting I mean all it does is copy her eye movements and that's assumed all. Anyways, Night was currently going on her daily walk from her room to the room next door that led outdoors. It was an area she cleared out herself in exchange for having it to herself. It now had two greenhouses and some trees in between the two. She hurried to one of the greenhouses and checked the moisture levels. It was around 90%, which was good since she was making a jungle-like area. She sighed in relief, thankful that it was okay since she left it alone for a couple of days. "Night?" A muffled voice spoke from inside the palace, right by the door. She turned towards the door and opened it, a tall dragon looming over her, blinking furiously from the direct sunlight they just encountered. "Hello, mum!" Night smiled at the white dragon. "Hello, Night. Is your greenhouse okay?" Blink asked. "Yes, surprisingly. Is there something you need?" Night questioned, suspicious of how her mum is visiting her in the middle of the day.

   "Yes, I would just like to let you know that I'm going off to finish making the truce with the Quavon tribe, so if you're planning on going anywhere, tell me now so I know," Blink spoke, moving out of the doorway to let Night inside. Which Night did do and closed the door behind her with her claw. "I was planning on checking out the ruins of an ancient kingdom again, if that is fine," Night glanced at her mother, who nodded in approval. "Yes, yes, that is fine. I know you are curious about the past kingdoms," Blink hummed. "Also, why do you want a truce with the Quavon tribe? Aren't they known for their tricks?" Night asked. "I think they would be a good partner in a war if we ever have one in the near future," Blink explained to her older daughter. Night nodded. "Well, we're heading in similar directions, so want to travel together for some time before we part?" Night offered. "I'm sorry, but I have to go now and you have to pack at least something, like a light or some kind of communication device with you," Blink apologized, but suggested right after, "you could spend time with your soulmate, you know."

   Night nodded half to herself half to the dragon she was speaking to. "Alright, I'll grab my stuff and ask Paint if he wants to come, I'll see you in a few days, mum!" Night began to make her short trek towards her room, Queen Blink heading the opposite direction, supposedly to exit the palace. Night entered her room and quickly grabbed two leather bags, one empty and one filled with healing supplies. She opened a cabinet drawer, pulling out a small glass bottle of dragon fire that she got from trading with another tribe.

   Now you may be asking, wait, why did she trade instead of just using her own fire? Her tribe doesn't have firebreath like the majority of the tribes on Equni. She breaths a smoke that prevents dragons inside it from hearing, seeing, or smelling anything. Dragons from the outside can't see or hear what is going on inside. But anyways, Night shoved the light source into her bag and exited her room, closing the door behind her before rushing out of the palace. She spread her wings before closing them in a different position, diving directly down into the village below. She landed somewhere in the middle of the village, but she knew exactly where she was. She strolled up to the house she recognized as Paint's, and knocked on the door. A couple seconds passed by before the door opened to reveal a white dragon with random splotches of blue and red on them. "Oh, hey Night!" Paint greeted. "Is there something you need?"

   "Yes! I was going to ask if you wanted to come and explore this area I found a week ago, since I haven't explored it much. It's an old kingdom!" Night smiled, her tail swaying slowly from side to side. "Oh, I'm so sorry Night, but I have things to attend to today and stuff," Paint excused. Night tilted her head to the side, her mask's left eye squinted at him in confusion. "But it's the weekend?" Night questioned. "Uhh, I offered to work extra since I want to buy a gift for my sibling, she wanted a plush doll she saw in the market yesterday." "Ah, I see. Well, maybe next time?" Night offered. "Yeah, sure. See you later, Night," Paint backed into his house and closed the door. Night dropped her head slightly, but brought it back up and sighed.

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