Chapter 5

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   Another year, more history. Well, Night hoped it would be history. If Silver won, she definitely would not need to educate anyone in this battle since all the dragons she mind-controlled shared the same memory. Three years now, right? Night questioned herself, making sure she wasn't getting it wrong. I don't care either way, war is war, She brushed it off almost immediately. All she hoped for now was the end of this war, perhaps she could find out what happened to Silver all those years ago? Night glanced over to her paper in the middle of the desk she had in her room. It was blank, nothing was written except for a large black stain at the edge of the paper where her ink pot had tipped over. The quill rested halfway across the paper, where a recent outburst she had with Paint had taken place.

   She was simply seated at the desk, her hand shaking very lightly after the hours of writing, she had just gone on to a new paper when the door opened. Paint entered the room, and Night could feel his gaze on her, more like a glare, now that she thought about it. Why did he hate her so much? Giving him shelter, food, protection from Silver, and, most importantly, they were soulmates. Nobody could deny, and least of all him since he knew as well. Night had completely doubted that he even got his fate back, unless this is how he showed love. He had entered with rage, hadn't he? Gripping the edge of the desk she was at and began asking her questions which he obviously thought she did.

   Night looked away from the desk, towards the door, which had claw-marks around the door handle from failing to grab it. Night let out a small smile at the memory of her hurrying to go to a meeting she forgot about, and went to open the door and accidently slammed her face into it after missing the door handle. The memory was definitely one of the rare ones to find amongst this war. Night looked around the rest of her room. Surprisingly, it wasn't at all large, it was the size of every other bedroom in the castle. Just enough space for a queen-sized bed, a desk, multiple shelves, and a couple of drawers with still enough space for it not to feel cramped. Night was very good at distracting herself when she wanted to be distracted, and she had gotten worryingly better over the course of these past few years. It had also gotten harder to see what she was thinking, but that's a good thing, always a good thing. Nobody needed to know, especially not the enemy, and if her soulmate out of all dragons didn't care then that just supports it even more.

   Paint... right, he had left after Night snapped at him for once in her life. Honestly, she should have done so before. Night was weak, she had to prove that she was getting stronger somehow, right? He had left right out the door, his eyes widened in.. fear? Was it? Whatever it was, it delighted something inside her to see it. Night looked out towards the window, it hadn't been cleaned in a bit, so it was slightly dusty, but you could still see pretty well out of it. The thing she most cared about was not a window, obviously. If anything, it would probably be her long-range weapon of choice or her quill and ink pot. Night looked back at the spilled bottle. Speaking of which, I need to refill it, Night thought to herself. Despite this, she shrugged it off and exited the door to go to the dining room, because, well, food is more important than a simple bottle. Where did she ever get the idea that ink was amazing? And writing? It was a waste of time, no thoughts about it. Night had things to do, and writing was not one of them.

   As she approached the dining room, small, chattering voices began to reveal themselves to her. Once Night entered, the voices hushed before continuing. Night sat at her seat, the empty seat next to her resembled Paint, and in fact, was the only empty seat. A dragon to her right looked towards the empty seat. "Queen Night, is everything going alright with Paint? We know you haven't had the best relationship because of this war and I want to check in," The dragon spoke, concerned. Night took a split second to remember the name of the important dragon. It was Frost, now one of her closest friends and successful business owner of an exotic flower and plant shop in the center of town. Night gave a small nod. "Yes, everything is fine, he just got angry from something and went to cope by leaving somewhere else. If he is not back soon, it will be the usual, me working, though it seems that Silver is becoming inactive. So, I might be able to talk with you about a flower I found when on patrol," Night offered. Frost perked up at the news. "You could always tell me about it now, you know," Frost smiled brightly. Night let out an airy laugh.

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