Chapter 6

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   Night had ignored it. She ignored the shadows above her. The clouds were obviously clearing out, why had she thought nothing of it? Silver expected her arrival, of course she did. Silver crashed down from above Night, making them both tumble down to the ground. Night fought back, frantically flapping her wings while trying to get away from her enemy. The fall was slowed by Night, but Silver pressed down on Night's face with her claw making it unable for Night to see around her. It wasn't long before the ground showed up beneath her, pain blooming on her chest where she landed. Night twisted around, wanting to attack Silver, only to roll into a puddle. Silver pressed down harder onto Night, shoving her head beneath the small surface.

   Oxygen cut itself off from Night, no matter how hard she struggled to get away from her sister's grasp, it never returned. Despite her body already being filled with a black liquid, the dirt-mixed water invaded her nose and mouth, causing her to open her mouth to cough it out, only to choke on more. Dark particles danced mockingly across her eyes, and at first she thought it was the dirt, but the dots grew, and her movements became weaker by the second. Through it and the water, she could see Silver with a wide grin on her face, an obvious glee to the successful yet risky plan she used. It angered Night oh so greatly, how she wished she could just snap that bloody grin in half.

   Seconds, moments, minutes passed. Night had fallen under her rival's claws. Eyes half-open, claws that used to grab at the claws around Night's throat now floated around it. Silver got off of Night, a grin still painted on her face. It was only until then when she realized. Night sprung out the water, landing on Silver and whacking her in the side of the head. Her once gray-eyed mask was now half gray and half-green, angered hisses escaped her throat. "How dumb are you? Aren't you smart?" Night pressed her claws into the side of Silver's head, back legs holding her down by piercing her sister's scales. "Don't you remember we don't have lungs? Or any organs for that matter?" Night traced her sister's jawline with her other claws. Until she suddenly gripped it and ripped it off. A sharp crack was a delight to hear upon Night's ears. Silver screeched, struggling to escape her upcoming death. Black liquid flooded from the wound Night made, and she dropped the lower jaw on the ground, shaking off the blood that had begun to stain her claws. Silver shot up, knocked Night over and started to take off. Night quickly recovered and jumped back onto Silver, biting into her shoulder and tearing her left wing's webs with the claws that weren't holding her down. Silver flapped her right wing once before quickly folding it closed, struggling to turn around and attack back at her attacker.

    Suddenly, Night backed off, letting Silver get away for a second before running right behind her. A smile traced Night's features, the purposeful plan of letting Silver think she could get away. Silver took a sharp turn around a tree, Night followed by going around the tree and biting into Silver's back leg. A screech escaped her lungs. She turned back and attempted to claw Night's face, only to be met with Night's mask. Night dug further into her sister's leg before sharply turning her head away, ripping away the metal armor that covered her. Silver tried to scurry back, tripping over herself and landing flat on her back. Night took advantage of this, springing up and digging her claws into Silver's stomach.

   The skies above had turned darker, small drops of water falling down. A single drop fell on Night's back, and, for some reason, that's what made everything happen within a blink of an eye. Silver lay in front of her, killed. Black blood pooled around various wounds, bubbles forming on the surface of the liquid from the small drops of water that landed on it. Night couldn't bear to look at the corpse of her sister any longer, so she shut her eyes, turning her head away. Why did I do that? What happened? She was good. She was good. I'm a danger, I snapped. Night backed away subconsciously. I'm sorry, mother, but it seems I can't lead the tribe as well as you thought I could. She felt her shoulders droop. Night looked towards the castle she rebuilt, the mountain was high, but not the highest despite it's towering height. Night's gaze caught onto another mountain. That is the tallest mountain. The tribe her mother had led always avoided that mountain for a specific purpose. There was a gaping hole in the mountain, it's depths were filled black, even if Night were up close. Inside was a metal chamber, made for killing beings that were not mortal or those who proved themselves insane. It was the only thing that could kill gods.

   Night paused, thinking again. If she were to seal herself to prevent the dangers that she brought to her tribe, she could also kill the god inside her currently, Sirun. It was at this moment the god of deception began to speak. Don't you even think of it, you know it won't work, right? I'm a god sealed within minds and not a physical being, it won't work. Sirun attempted to convince the thinking dragon. But that only further proved Night's theory. It could kill even mental gods. Sirun wouldn't have spoken if the mechanism wouldn't do anything. Think about this, Nivun! If you do this you'll have the slowest death known to your tribe! Nobody will lead the tribe. Sirun pleaded. "My name is not Nivun, for one. Two, someone will lead the tribe, I don't doubt their intelligence," Night opened her eyes, glaring at the tree in front of her. Sirun stayed silent once again, causing Night to huff. Night spread her wings, beginning her journey to the mountain in the distance.

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