Chapter Three

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Alliana's POV

We are here now at the police station and I saw the Don of the Italian Mafia with his wife and son Sandro.
There's always this feeling that I'm connected to them I don't know but when I first saw them in pictures my heart beat faster and somehow my heart feels happy.

"officer I'm here what is it?" I ask in a cold voice

"you might want to sit for this." he said

"No! hurry up I don't have much time!" I said at annoyed tone and the officer flinch a bit

"u-uhm your parents-" I cut him off by saying

"they were not my parents!" I bang the table with my fist and vincent hold my hand to calm me down

"a-all right uhm the people you live in the same house died because of overdose"
the officer said in fear

"good for them" I smirk
"I should've killed them first" I mumbled and the 3 idiots heard it and they chuckled

"oh by the way so I'm going to orphanage now?" I ask with cold voice

"uhm actually here's Mr. and Mrs. Costello they are your biological parents and your eldest brother Sandro."
the officer said

"ohh the one who abandoned me! Nice! it's not so nice to meet you" I'm back into emotionless face and Lia smacks my head

"Yahh!!sore wa itai!"
I said jn Japanese (it hurts)

"Karera ni yasashiku suru Al!" Lia said
(Be nice to them Al!

"Wakata mōshiwakenai" I said while pouting
(Okay sorry)

I turn to my biologicals

"sorry for being rude but can you introduce yourself I don't know any of you." I said in cold voice and I saw a hurt expression in their eyes but quickly covers it

"ah right I'm Alexander Costello you father and this is your mother Adrianna Jane Costello" he said in soft tone yuck! not suited haha

and my mother stare at me with her teary eyes

I offer her my tissue and she accepted it

"thank you princess I just can't believe I'm seeing you right now after 15 years" she cries while saying it
What the hell they were the one who abandoned me in the first place!!

"I'm your eldest brother Sandro Wein Costello" he said with cold voice too ohhh I like this guy

I nod and ask "so you guys gonna adopt me?"

"yes tosoro we will fly to new york tomorrow morning" he said (treasure)

"why not now?" I ask

"because you probably shock from the news and I want you to adjust first and relax so tomorrow morning is our flight we can meet at the airport" my father said

"alright and by the way these three are coming with me you guys can be their guardian right?" I ask

"yes of course dear" my mother said and I nod

"alright see you tomorrow we're gonna go now and pack our things" I said and we left
we are now at our home

"god damnit now I have to ships my cars and bikes" I said annoyed

"calm down Ana we are gonna go with you right." vincent said to me and the other 2 agreed

"hayss alright goodnight see you tomorrow "
I slept
Alexander POV (father)

Finally our princess is coming home with us!! but I'm still pissed bacause of that boy who holds my daighters hand!
When she said it's not her parents I felt happy and proud of my daughter
and when she said we abandoned her it broke my heart because we never abandoned her in the first place we all love her and we can't abandoned her. She was taken from us.
now we are at the hotel we have a flight tomorrow morning I can't wait to go home with my daughter but she can speak Japanese I can't believe it my daughter is a genius.

Adrianna POV (mother)

I can't believe we're going home tomorrow with our daughter for sure the boys are now excited to see their princess well our princess but my daughter is a genius
I saw the boy who holds her hand to calm down. I saw that he loves her well my daughter is beautiful got from the genes but my daughter said we abandoned her it really breaks me how can we abandon such a lovely child. It's all because of that woman! If only she still alive I'm the one who will kill her!
Sandro POV (eldest brother)

my stella is coming home with us tomorrow I can't wait finally we're gonna be complete I will fill for those missing years we miss with her.
But that boy! the boy who held my sisters hand! my precious sisters hand! god I'm so pissed right now but I when I think my sister
my anger just gone.
But when she said that we abandoned her oh god if you only knew how I feel right now I felt like a failure brother I didn't protect her from that devils.
I miss her so much and my sister is a genius yah know!

heyy gang!! wassup you like this chapter? Please vote for my story love you all muwahhhh!!!

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