Chapter Nineteen

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"What? why are you laughing?" James asked

"Because MY DAUGHTER is already graduated." Papi and Mami said

"WHAT!?" all of them shout except my brothers,grandparents and Parents

Alliana's POV

"OHH GOD STOP SHOUTING FOR FREAKING SAKE!!" all of them shut their mouth

"Wow sunshine, I can't seem to take this, I just watch you making my grandson's shut up!" Papa said while laughing

"Oh shut up papa HAHAHAHA" I respond
but take a serious face
"Now seriously we really need to talk now." I said and we go to the office...all of us actually
All of us are here now and my annoying cousin decided to break the silence

"So bambina you really graduated in your age!?" Gino asked

"Well yeah.. you know tough life and of course I'm genius" I said and flip my hair backwards

"Yeah because you got that from me baby sis"
Drake said

"Oh shut up Drake we all know whom stella got her genius mind" Sandro said and smirk

"You got that right bubba it's from Papa obviously! duh!" I said and clap my hands

"I thought I'm your father baby?" Papi asked acting as if he is hurt

"Well technically that's correct but you came from my grandfather's sperm and my grandmother's egg, so yeah.." I said and deadpan my face staring at him

"HAHAHAHAHHA look at that son! you're daughter is much more intelligent than you!" Papa said and laugh

all of the boys got goosebumps

"Oh well anyways Papa let's start what we're going to talk about right now." I said coldly

"You're right but are we really talking right now when all of us are here?" Papa said

"oh right hold on a second" I said
and turn around at my mami

"Mami!" I shout and run at her and sniff her scent

"Oh my god! my baby girl is still a baby!" mami said and hug me tight

"Really Shane? I'm right beside you and you chose your mom?" Papi said pouting

"oh well mami scent is nice and I need to calm down" I said

"so you're saying that I smell bad?" Papi asked

"well kinda?" I said and giggles

"Oh really this girl" Papi said and chuckle

"Anyways the only people that will be here is Papi, Mami, Mama, Papa, Bubba, Uncles, Aunties and all of the oldest cousin.
The rest stay outside." I said and stand straight

"I will bwe stwaywing outswide too?" my baby brother/cousin said

"Yes baby.. don't worry it will not take long" I said and kiss his forehead

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