Chapter Twenty

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No one's POV

"No Ana don't you dare leave me... I can't live without you... please be alive and stay with us
I love you so much Alliana"
(Vincent's thoughts)

No one's POV

At the hospital

"Doc!!! please help!!" Vincent said

"Oh god Nurses!!! hurry up emergency!!" the doctor said

"May I know the patient name please and how long has she been unconscious?" the doctor asked Vincent

"Alliana Shane Costello and it's been 10 minutes since then.. Doc please tell me she's gonna be okay?" Vincent said in his pleading voice

"She's back?"
the doctor thought

" She's gonna be okay alright I will do anything to save her but first we really need to get her an operation and sign here" the doctor said and Vincent grab the paper immediately to start the operation

"Please save her doc I don't know what I'm gonna do if she-" Vincent said crying

"I will sir now calm down and we'll start the operation now" the doctor said
After a few minutes

"VINCENT!? WHERE'S ALLIANA!?" Alessandro said panicking

"Emergency room..." Vincent said who is weak because of crying

"Papa she'll never leave me right?" Vincent said and hug Alessandro

"Of course Vin.. Alliana is a strong woman" Alessandro said who is crying now

Everyone has been waiting outside the operation room for about 3 hrs now (but the younger cousins is in the house.. only Ben is with them in the hospital because he keeps crying)

"dwaddwy? whewre is sistwer? why is she takwing sow wong?" Ben ask with his tears in the eyes

"shh baby sister is okay the doctors is taking care of her and-" Matthew said but got interrupted by the doctors who came out from the operation room

"Doc!?? How's my sister?" Sandro said

"Don't worry she's stable now and have you guys known that she's been abused?" the doctor said

"w-what? abused?" Adriana said and cries
"N-no this can't be.." Alfonso said in his weak tone
"please tell me you're joking doc this can't be happening" Stuart said and now crying

" There's still more about her but it's not my position to tell.... let's all wait for her to wake up" The doctor said

"wait Doc.Rossi is there anything else that my daughter will need?" Alexander said

"Yes Mr.Costello actually she has a lot of medication she needs and she will be transfer in room 205. Meet me later I will give you the list she needs " the doctor said and Alexander thank him
after 40 minutes they are in the room now with Alliana laying in the bed so weak and fragile as if she's not a demon herself..
She look like an angel

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