Chapter Seven

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Alliana's POV
they sit beside me and about to say something when I talked...

"if you're gonna apologize to me because of what happened yesterday then don't just say sorry.Show me that you're really sorry because of what you did." I said in cold voice

"W-we know but can we still know if you're angry at us?" Steven said

I look at them and they flinch

"for real? I am so angry right now, you wanna know why? because you guys said that to me and call me names when you didn't even know what did I experience back then." I said in cold voice

"S-sorry bambina we're just afraid you'll disappear again if we get attached to you" Leston said but disappear? I'm so confused

"What do you mean disappear!? Don't you guys abandoned me!?" I asked annoyed

"w-what do you mean abandoned? We never abandoned you." Steven said

"bambina you're we-" Leston is interrupted because our family came down

"Let's go hurry I want to spoil my baby girl" Mami said and Father agreed

"ああ、私は赤ちゃんじゃない!" I said
(oh come one, I'm not a baby!)

"What did you said baby?" father said

"oh nothing" I said and look at my brothers they jaw dropped

"y-you speak Japanese!?" Foni asked

"uh yeah why?" I said confused

"oh my god my sorella gemella is awesome!" Foni said

"sorella gemella? what's that and bambina,stella tesoro? What's the meaning of that?" I asked but of course I know that but I have to pretend I don't know Italian well I know a lot of language you know

"you don't know Italian Stella?" Sandro asked and I shake my head as No

"words bambina" father said

"What? I thought we already talked about this Xander!" I said in venom voice

"o-oh right sorry Shane" Father said and my brothers except for Sandro stared at us confused

"Vi spiegherò più tardi miei cari figli"
father said
(I'll explain later my dear sons)

My brothers nod and we go to garage

"aww come on! Xander where's my babies I miss them already!" I asked whined


"figlia it's still on the way don't worry maybe later at night or tomorrow it's here" father said

"alright but no one will ever stop me when I drive them am I clear?" I said

"of course you made us so proud and amaze how can we stop you" my mother said

"and dear brothers I don't have children it's my Cars and Motor Bikes" I said and duh tone

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