Chapter Thirteen

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Alliana's POV

I finished the movie but Vin is sleeping while hugging me and it's already 4:50 pm

"Vin?Love?" I showered his face with kiss

"hmm?" he mumbled sleeping

"I need to leave now just sleep here okay" I said

"hmm no I'm seeing to go downstairs" He said sleepy

"No Vin continue your sleep" I said and peck him in the lips but he pulled me into a passionate kiss

"hmm alright I'll go now" I said and kiss him again

"continue your sleep.I love you" I said

"I love you too text me when you get home" he said

"Yeah bye!" I said and left his room and go downstairs

I saw Dima and Lia at the couch fighting because of a game

"Hey guys I'm leaving" I said

"ohhh how is it? is it big?" Lia asked

"Lia!" me and Dima said

"I'll go now guys and please update me if Vin is not eating again and of course you two take care of yourselves. I love you both bye" I said and kiss their foreheads and drive home
After 40 minutes of driving

"Papi? Mami? I'm home!!" I said

and I saw mami coming from the kitchen

"Hey honey? wait! did you cry so bad? look at your eyes!" mami said

"yeah mami sorry just you know" I said and smile forcedly

"oh my baby." mami said and hug me and I hug her back

"anyways mami where's papi?" I asked mami

"oh in his office, want to go together?" mami said

"yeah let's go" I said and we go to Papi's office

I knocked on the door and heard come in

"Papi?" I said

"oh you're back!" he said and got up from his sit ang I run towards him and hug him quicky

"Papi? Why do they hate me? Did I do somthing wrong?" I asked and crying again
mami saw me crying and joined the hug

"No baby they don't hate you they're just new to this you know" Papi said

"then what about me!? I have feelings too! don't you think I'm not new to this!?" I said getting angry

"No bu-" He said and I cut him off

"I get it Xander. Don't need to say it. you will side you're sons. of course they are your children maybe I'm not." I said and get out of the office and slam his door

I saw all my brothers in the living room
and they all got up and come towards me but I just past them and go to the gym to get this anger out

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