What Do I Think? Let Me Show You - Millani's POV

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Milani's POV

First Person. 

I look over to my boyfriend, Gareth. To tell you the truth, I don't see why Nova was friends with him. I only got with him because I knew how mad Nova would get. Then she's bound to talk to me.

Our relationship had always been rocky. 

In elementary school, I was always with the popular crowd, always liked by everyone. Except Nova. I don't know why, but she would always contradict anything I would have to say. 

This happened in middle school too. We would both do anything we could to get under each other's skin. That included getting into massive fist fights, vandalizing each other's locker, and giving each other as much shit as possible about anything and everything. 

That changed in the eight's grade. I noticed Nova started repeating the same outfits more often. She would often talk to Jennie, her best friend, about her finally kicking off her acting career, which I overheard, and of course, told her the truth: That she'll never be a successful actor. 

Of course, I could be a successful actor. That's why when I got home that day, I went straight to my dad and told him to get me a main character role in a movie as fast as he could. 

Was it cheating? Maybe. Did I care? only a little. Sometimes I do feel guilty about all the roles I've taken from her, but this rivalry has no room for sympathy. 

Freshman year was the weirdest. I didn't see Nova for months. I was ecstatic. I would finally be free from her taunts. Then Jennie and Nova would start coming to school together, and teachers were much more kinder towards her and Jennie. 

Nova also started ignoring me more often. Sure she would let out an insult towards me, but that was only when I would provoke her to. It wasn't the same. That's why I asked Gareth out. To get a reaction out of Nova. To ruin their friendship. So she would start talking to me again. Even if it meant she annoys the living shit outta me. 

I snapped back to reality, which was unfortunately my Biology class. It was finally Friday, the day of Sara's party. I was so ready to get wasted. 

I helped Sara set up for the party. We got everything ready, then got ready ourselves. I wore a cropped cardigan under my tank top, and a jean jacket on top, and some baggy jeans with shorts underneath. Wasn't my best outfit but it's not like anyone would see with the dark lighting. 

Sara kept going on her phone and texting someone. I assumed it was just her other friends until she started smiling at her phone.

"Who you texting?" I think I startled her, because she jumped, then rushed out a "no one, don't worry about it"

I left her alone. I was sure she would tell me soon. 


The party was at it's high. Everyone was dancing like no tomorrow. I would even dance on people occasionally, but never too much, I had a boyfriend. 

I've had a few too many shots I thought because I wasn't as stable as before, and I couldn't really think as well.

I spot Sara and I go towards her, until I stopped suddenly. 

Nova was dancing with her. Closer than a friend would. I saw the way Nova looked at Sara. 


Lust was in her eyes. And... Sara wasn't rejecting it. 

I quickly put the pieces together. I figured Sara was seeing someone, and normally I would've been so fucking happy for her, if it was anyone but fucking Nova. 

What was so appealing about her? 

I saw Sara take her to another room, and as unnoticeably as I could, I followed them. I saw Nova look at Sara like she was the only person in the room. 

I felt something churn in my stomach. I felt time slow as Nova cupped Sara's face and leaned in to kiss her. 

My heart pounded. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I start walking backwards, unable to take my eyes off the two of them. I bumped into a table and a glass cup fell and shattered. A shard must've hit someone because I heard a loud "Shit!"

I panicked and went outside to see Rick standing near the side. 

"Hey," I call to him.

He turns and sees me.

"Hey Mills." I'm truly repulsed. "What are you doing out?" 

"Oh, you know, taking a break from the party," trying to die after what I saw was what I wanted to say, but what I said instead was "Well what about you?"

"The party isn't as fun as I thought it would be. I'd rather do something else" He replies as he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. "You should come back to my place." He says in a hideously rough voice

"I'd rather not, Rick, I want to stay here." 

"You could have more fun with me."

Before I could keep protesting, Nova comes to my rescue. I don't remember much because of how wasted I was, but I do recall something about a sleepover, and then Nova dragging my ass to my car. 

She stole my keys and drove us back to her house. I numbly looked out the window. We started heading to a trailer park, which really shocked me. 

I knew Nova lived in SouthRidge, but I assumed she lived in the apartments, not the trailer park. What the hell do her parents do for a living if all three of them live here? 

Nora parked and took me to her home. She opened the door and pushed me in there. Immediately I noticed how small the place was. Her trailer was the size of my closet alone! The lack of decor made it even worse, though when I got to her room I noticed a few SkidRow posters. 

I finished the glass of water she gave me, and she took my jacket off for me. 

I layed on the bed and immediately felt so insanely hot I just started taking everything off. I finally felt comfortable and drifted to sleep, only to wake up a few hours later to see Nova at the window holding a cluster of papers and a burnt out cigarette that she squished into an ashtray near her with multiple fresh cigarette butts hanging out the side. 

I watched as she put the script away and faced directly away from me as she took her bra off, being completely topless. I started at her back muscles in awe. I hate more than anything to admit it but I saw why Sara took an interest to her. I saw tattoos on her back and biceps that are normally covered by her clothes. 

She put her shirt on and I quickly closed my eyes pretending to fall asleep. 

Well that was the plan. I guess I was still so wasted I actually fell asleep within literal seconds. 

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