We're Dating(?)

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Nova woke up snuggled into Milani. She wasn't even mad - which was a weird thing to admit to herself, considering it's the last thing she would expect herself thinking. 

She sluggishly checked her phone to see it was 7:30 A.M. 

Ugh on a Saturday? Hell no.

Nova closed her eyes and snuggled a little closer to the warmth coming from Milani. Half asleep, she noticed a few sounds coming from outside. 

Those damn raccoons. Nova thought.

She felt herself very slowly drifting off to sleep, though she didn't get to enjoy her sleep for long.

Nova woke up to the sound of a gasp. A loud, loud gasp.

Her eyes opened wide, and she panickedly looked towards the sound.

Jennie was standing at the doorway of her room, eyes wide open, mouth in a gape.

Nova sat up straight.

She felt Milani shuffle around behind her, grabbing her waist and groaning, before resting again.

"Wha- I- you-" Jennie struggled to form sentences, looking back and forth at Nova's face, to Milani's arms around her best friends waist .

"I know what this looks like- just." Nova wasn't any better. She could barely speak without stuttering. 

She took a deep breath and collected her thoughts. What was she supposed to say to explain this situation?

Nova sighed deeply, before opening her mouth to give her best friend an explanation.

"Let me explain. It isn't what it looks like, I promise. We're just-"


Milani's rough morning voice cuts off Nova, whilst sending a shiver down her spine. She turns her neck to see Milani awake, covering a yawn with her hand. 

She sits up on the bed. "We're dating." 

Jennie's takes one last look at Nova, emphasizing her anger, before running out of the trailer.

Nova gets out of the bed and tries to run after her. "Jennie, wait!"

She hears the front door slam, so she gives up and turns around to deal with Milani, who was lying back down, scrolling on her phone. 

"Milani what the fuck?"

Milani looks up and sighs. "What were you going to say? uhhh, I - um," She imitates. "We're going to start dating soon anyways, why not reveal it a bit earlier."

"That wasn't your choice to make." Nova says while angrily walking towards Milani. 

The other girl stands up. "Yes it was. My reputation is gonna take a hit. A big one, and yet I'm still doing this. This whole thing isn't just about you Nova."

Nova didn't really have a response to that, so she just sighs while getting her jacket and running out the door towards Jennie's.

She had to explain herself.

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