The Date Part 2; Tagline: The K I S S (and more)

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After that, we went to the same ice cream place we went to for our first fake date. We both got the same orders as last time, though I have no idea how the actual fuck Milani can eat all that strawberry stuff.

We sit in silence, but it wasn't the silence we had last time. This was awkward. Right now, we're sitting at corner booth, a few meters away from the escape room, feeling like we having nothing in common.

" any siblings?"


they sit in silence again.

"Watched any good tv shows lately?"


Milani is getting frustrated, I can see that. I'm getting frustrated too. How could we have had such a fun time and then go back to this?

"Have you-"

"Just assume the answer is no."


"Milani, this is boring. Do you think there's any chance that the only reason we seem to get along is when there's some kind of work to do?"

Milani looks away, ruffling through her memories.

"The show, today, even fake dating. We had a goal and we had work to do so we didn't have time to really talk about anything normal."

"So, what then? You're saying that we don't fit?"

I didn't know what to say. I struggled to answer.

We sat at the both together, with tension you could cut with a knife, for the rest of their meal, barely ever looking at each other.

We finish our deserts, paying separately. We sit in awkward silence, not knowing what to do next.

Milani gets up to go to the car to drop me back home. I guess she finally admitted defeat in our chances to actually date.

We walk towards the car, and she once again holds the passenger side open for me, though solemnly this time.

As she's driving me back to my home, I think about the times we had together when we were fake dating. At that exact restaurant. Though we were fake dating, our conversations felt real.

And I have to admit that Milani is like a tall goddess looks wise and ego wise lets be real.

Milani, instead of parking at the lot, she follows this old road path throughout every trailer, til her car right beside my place. I think she was waiting for me to get out when I made an impulse decision.

Well, I don't know if it's an impulse, because I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

I lean over the car and kiss her. It was short and sweet. I pull away to see her reaction. Milani looks beyond shocked. She looked like Jesus just pulled up from the dead.

I guess Milani's shock wears off because she pulls me back in and keeps kissing me. Her hand is in my hair, I'm cupping her face, and though I often questioned during this date if we could ever be more than frenemies, nothing felt more right than this.

I pull away, but not because I want to stop. Milani looks at me with lust in her eyes and I know exactly what she means.

We both get out of the car, giggling while Milani grabs my waist, unable to resist from kissing my neck. I struggle to find my keys and open my door, but when I finally do, Milani hurriedly comes in and pushes me against the door before making out with me.

It's intense. Everything about us always has been. We run to my bedroom and jump on the bed before continuing to kiss. I take my vest and lace shirt off and Milani proceeds to kiss down leaving hickeys on every bare part of my skin. She gets to my stomach, then stops.

"You don't know what to do?"

Milani shakes her head. I laugh. "Have you ever had sex with a girl?" another shake. "Oh right, you haven't had sex at all??" another head shake. I laugh.

"Ok how about I take over then." I flip us around and straddle Milani before giving her as many hickeys she gave me. I take my time with in, nipping at her ear, leaving soft, yearning kisses that I knew would only frustrate her. I try to restrain myself from ripping every article of fabric off her body, and just take them off normally, before diving right back into her. 

I do rip her bra off.

I slide my tongue across her nipple, making her shiver. I leave hickeys on her breasts, before continuing to bite and lick to her stomach. 

I look at her, eyes closed in anticipation. I smile with amusement, before pulling her tights down and giving her hickeys on her inner thigh. I hear a groan. I pull at her waistband, till it's completely off her, only now noticing her matching hot pink lingerie set. 

I want to tease her. I run my tongue over her clit, loving every minute of watching her squirm. I keep doing that while inserting two fingers in her. I slowly gain speed, slowing down every time I knew she got close. 

The closer she was to finishing, I realised, the closer her legs would come together. Shyness, maybe. I pulled her legs apart. I decide not to be so mean to her today. I stop teasing her and push my tongue against her clit at full speed. Her moans and grunts echo off the walls. 

She started shaking, and I knew that I would lick up every drop of her cum, but what I didn't foresee is her pushing my head into her core and squeezing her thighs so tight couldn't breathe, and  I had no choice but to keep going, hoping that I could take a breathe. 

She finally unwraps her thighs from my head. I'm completely drenched in sweat and cum but I loved every part of it. 

She seemed satisfied, but hearing her moans turned me on more than I'd like to admit. I crawl closer to her and sit beside her. 

She straddles me and starts to kiss down my breasts, hesitating again once she reaches my thighs. 

"Milani, have you ever, you know, masturbated?" She seemed fazed with the question, pants of exhaustion rolling off her. 

"Um..yeah I guess."

"Good, good."

"So you know how do make it feel good?"

Milani nods. "Yeah?"

"Do it for me."

Milani seems to understand, licking my slit before entering two fingers in, searching for my G spot. I get comfortable and relax. She mainly works with her fingers. She increases her speed. I arch my back a little, getting ready to keep going before I noticed she slowed back down. 

I look at her, and see a teasing smile. Oh, this is payback then?

I sit up a little, Milani's fingers still in me, and yank slightly on her hair. "You've been bothering me for god knows how long. Do you really want to keep going." She winces slightly and her hair being pulled but her eyes tell me she likes this treatments. She's a brat then....

Milani does as she's told, and pushes against my G spot until I can feel my legs shake and pleasure filling my body. 

Once the high wears off, I grab her so we can get ourselves cleaned off in the shower.


ASDFLKAD OK my first time writing smut I had no fucking idea what to write so don't come here for porn y'all this is not my strong suit. 

Anyways, 2 1000-word chapters in a day, I hope you enjoy, because I have no idea what the plot is gonna be after this. 

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