Where the hell is the nurse?

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Nova guided Milani to the nurses office at their school. Nova looks around for the nurse but didn't find anyone. 

She sat Milani onto the sofa, and kneeled down, looking at her hand. 

The stapler wasn't inside her hand, thank god. It pierced through Milani's finger. Nova gets up and looks around for alcohol swabs and a bandaid. 

She opens a drawer and pulls her items out, before coming back to Milani and getting on her knees to concentrate on her hand. 

Milani can only look at Nova. She feels the pain, of course she does, but she can only look at how gentle Nova is being. 

Nova looks up with a cotton ball with alcohol and says, "This is gonna hurt, Milani." and looks into Milani's eyes for approval, which she gets before going in. 

Milani didn't expect the pain to be this bad. She winces as she feels the alcohol touch her wounds. 

Nova's sure to be quick with it, and finishes by putting the bandaid on her finger. 

They both sigh. Nova's looking at the blood that dripped onto the chair. "Jesus fuck, Milani." Nova says in an annoyed tone, but deep down, she feels warmth at what Milani did. 

"Shut up Nova, you woulda done it too." Nova shrugs, "yeah probably."

They sit in silence, wondering if they should wait for the nurse or not. Well, Milani was wondering that. Nova can only lean in and steal a kiss from Milani. 

Milani looks at her. She smiles before leaning in for another kiss. 

"Do you wanna go?" Nova asks, standing up. Milani looks around, seeing if a nurse will come by, before muttering 'fuck it' and lets herself be pulled up by Nova.

They walk down the halls, talking quietly to not disturb any classrooms. They both decided to skip this period. 

"Oh hey, I encountered Sara in the halls. It wasn't awkward or anything! I mean kinda was, but she was like 'yeah we're cool' and said there's something she wants to tell me. I'm a little nervous about it, what do you think she said?" Milani rambled on. 

"Oh. Uh, I think I know." Milani looked at Nova. 

"What? Tell me! Please please tell me!" Milani nagged.

"Ok ok! So a while ago, I went to talk to Jennie, so I went to her trailer... and I kind of found her and Sara hooking up."

"...Is that it?"

"You're not surprised? My jaw dropped to the floor when I found out."

"Nova, Sara's been obsessed with Jennie since like the beginning of time. I figured if she hates someone as much as she did, there must be some underlying feelings."

Nova looked at Milani. 

"Milani... did you like me? You know, back when you hated me?"

"Oh please, what is there to like about you? You're arrogant, and you're selfish and mean, and you smell like shit."

"Oh My God! Milani, you had a crush on me? Milani has a crush on me!!" Nova sang out. 

Milani groaned. She put her hand up to cover her face, but there was a smile. And that smile would never go away, even when Nova would bring it up a thousand times more in the future.

A/N: I'm not even sorry at this point. Y'all know it takes me a long long time to update. 

I am sorry because this chapter is kinda short. I think the next chapter is going to be the final one. 


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