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Darkness quickly settles in

as the sun goes down

and hours pass by.

The dining hall is about to close

and I promised Constance

that I would do a better job of eating.

As we pack our bags,

David breaks the silence.

"So, um.

Where have you been?

I haven't seen you

in a while."

I feel my neck

and body stiffen

as nervous energy

ripples through my leg.

I place my hand on my thigh

to ease the excessive bouncing

and shrug

in an attempt to mask

my sudden discomfort.

"Just been really busy.

Haven't been able

to go to office hours

or section as much."

He nods.

"I get it.

It's rough out here,

especially at this institution.

But let me know

if you need anything though."

I smile

at his generosity.

"Thanks David,

I appreciate that."

A smile graces

his own lips.


Oh! And happy birthday!"

He cheers quietly

while I laugh.


Spending it at a library?

Wish I was as studious as you."

I jokingly roll my eyes

as we walk towards the front entrance.

"Homework waits for no one.

It's a shame really."

He shakes his head

before opening the door for me.

"It really is."

Until I Rise AgainWhere stories live. Discover now