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It's been 5 years since mom's passing, today me and my sisters all get crowned alphas, we're triplets, and it was mom's dying wish that we rule together. Yet there is few of our pack left, along with our scouts we have tried to fen doff the hunters but they have evolved. Better weaponry, skills, devices, everything. I was teaching the cubs when Fang ran up to me.

"Luna! The Elders want to see us!" Fang said, pointing to the Elder Cave. The Elder Cave was born when there was once a volcano in these lands, it worn itself out and eventually disappeared at the hands of Mother Nature, but the Elder Cave has stood in the center of our camp for generations. Fang, Erin, and I walked over to the Elder Cave, they called us in and we sat down on some tree stumps. The Elders were all in a circle, protecting our Moon Crystal, the very thing that gives us our power. 

"Children. We have decided upon a strategy to prepare us for human attacks. You will live in the human town, in a human house, and pretend to be a human family with your aunt Snow and your uncle Wyatt, before you leave we will crown you alphas, then you will return here during at the end of each week to give us a report." they said, in unison.

"What!?!?!" Erin got up and yelled

"Erin, calm down." I said as I tried to get Erin back in their seat. Then Fan got up and began to shout.

"You want us to live among the people who killed our mother!?" Fang yelled "Not happening!!"


"Okay, let's get ready for the ceremony, then we can get some human clothes instead of our fur vests and leather clothing. " I said as I lead Erin and Fang back to our hut. We got ready for the ceremony, as soon as we were named alphas, our hair turned white. "Excuse me, Elders? How is the plan going to work if we have unnatural hair color?" I said looking at my long white hair, reaching the ground, we were able to pick the style, length, and one color streak in our hair when we got named alpha. It was for fun. I picked long hair down to the ground, naturally straight so I wouldn't have to straiten it with a hot stone, and a pastel purple streak in the front. Erin had curly white hair down to their shoulders, and a black streak through each of their curls. Fang had bangs that stopped just above her eyes, down to her shoulders, white straight hair with a navy blue streak in her bangs.

"It will be fine, kids color their hair all the time, it won't look that weird." one of the Elders said. So with that we went to a closed store in the human town and went looking for clothes. Fang chose some black jeans and a grey cropped hoodie, Erin chose a white button up with a sweater vest over it and some high rise jeans, and I went for some high rise flairs with a lavender tank top. Now it was time to get a house.

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