Birthdays And Storms

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I snuggled the fluffy pink bathrobe around my shoulders, pulling it tighter. Kaida had been more than a little unhappy about having a bucket of ice-slush poured over her head, and had promptly retaliated by shoving me into the pool. After we cleaned out the floating debris of popcorn and strawberry bits from the pool, the three of us had taken turns washing up, and were now sitting in a semi-circle at the bottom of Harriett’s bed, surrounded by the remains of what candy had been left after our mishap in the kitchen.

I sniffed my hair again, “Well at least I don’t smell like caramel anymore.”

Harriett laughed, “Yeah, I think I’m all sugared out. No more of that junk for me.” She tossed a handful of popcorn back into the bowl beside her and moved it to her side table.

Kaida yawned, “Me too, I’m burnt out.” She pulled the lollipop out of her mouth and dropped it into the tiny pink garbage can next to Harriett’s bed, then reached up and patted her hair again.

I giggled, “It looks fine, you only lost a few hairs. And you can’t see any damage.”

She rolled her eyes, “Who knew sleepovers could be so exciting?”

I leaned back on a fluffy pink pillow, “Well Tin wanted to come, he thought it would be fun.” I winked at Harriett.

Her mouth fell open, “Seriously?”

Kaida laughed, “Boys are so weird.”

Harriett smiled again, “Yeah, they are. But they’re definitely worth the trouble.” She looked over at the blue painting once more, “I can’t believe I lucked out, Gil and I are going to the same college.” She turned back to stare at her pink fuzzy bunny slippers, “My parents aren’t that thrilled though, they wonder if being so close to him all the time is a good thing.”

Kaida frowned, “But he’s such a nice guy…”

“They think he’ll be a distraction, like he’ll take up all my time and smother me. They think he’ll keep me from making different friends, and keep me from focusing on classes.” Harriett sighed and pulled at the ears on her slippers.

I reached over and patted her knee, “Don’t worry, Gil’s a nice guy. And he’s the type of guy that would try to help you with classes, not make you fail them. If you’re meant to be together, you’ll be happy no matter what you’re schedules are.”

She smiled softly, “I guess so. You’re lucky, you don’t have to worry about that, it’s good you and Konai are going to different schools. I think it’s awesome that he’s staying nearby to study forestry, and that he’s fine with you going to Oregon.” She tugged her slippers off and snuggled under the sheets. “You’re still close enough to visit, but far enough away to give each other some space.”


Kaida pulled a pillow up and slid into the other side of the bed, “Yeah, I’ll miss him during the day, but he’ll be back most nights and on weekends. At least I’ll be busy at the community college, and studying with Maggie.” Kaida’s words didn’t really register. I was still thinking about Harriett’s thoughts on me and Konai being separated.

I hadn’t really discussed plans with Konai, the thought had never occurred to me. I hadn’t even known what his area of study was going to be. He was staying in Alaska to study forestry, and I was going to Oregon to study art. Alaska and Oregon weren’t that far apart, not really. But since I was his manak amkara, did that mean I couldn’t go, that my plans now had to change? Or did that mean he would go with me? He was a guardian and in charge of watching over Wapatau, did that mean he couldn’t leave at all?

Questions bombarded me, and all of them leading to the one thing I didn’t wan to think about. Were Konai and I going to part ways after graduation?

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