Waking Up

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The ground was warm and dry, and I opened my eyes and looked up into a perfect blue sky. The grass around me tickled the palms of my hands, and I lifted them slowly. Tiny white plumes lifted into the air, and I frowned.

Where was I?

Reaching out, I touched one of the floating specks, and it exploded into a hundred tiny glittering pieces before floating away. How odd…..

Fingers trailed gently through my hair and I turned to see whose hand lifted from my head. Kanati moved his hand, then ran his fingers through my hair again.

“Where am I?” My voice sounded odd, and I coughed.

“Somewhere safe.”

I looked around the small field. Flowers of every hue littered the ground, and green trees and leafy plants stretched far into the hills before disappearing into a strange white haze. I lifted my hand and touched my forehead, then frowned, “I woke up, there was a storm….”

“Yes, there was.”

He started running his fingers through my hair once more, and I sighed at the simple touch, “So the storm’s over?”

Kanati smiled. “Yes, it’s over, and you’re safe.”

“I fainted?”

It was his turn to frown, “Yes, and I’m very sorry about that.”

“I don’t understand.”

He let the last few strands of hair drop from his fingertips, then he twisted to the side to face me fully, “I needed to let you know about Sky and Nishok. The only way to do that, without directly interfering in Konai’s life, was to pull you into his subconscious.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I tried to sit up, but seemed to be stuck where I was, “That’s impossible.”

Kanati shook his head, “Because you are special to Konai, it gives you a connection. All I needed was a similar connection to pull your thoughts into his.” He slid a hand through his own hair, “Up on the cliffside, all I was worried about was saving Sky, while not letting Konai get injured.”

“I felt the same way.” I stated simply.

“That was all the connection I needed.” He pulled one leg up and propped his chin on his knee, then leaned forward. “I’m here now to make sure you’re okay.”

“How is that possible? I mean, pulling my thoughts into someone else’s, it just seems…” my voice trailed off, I didn’t know what to say.

“It’s almost like reverse projection. I’m not taking memories and throwing them into your mind, those would have been fragmented and blurry. I’m taking what connection you two have, opening those lines, and pulling you in to see solid memories.” He exhaled slowly and looked away, “It’s dangerous, not something a guardian does often, if at all. And I was afraid I’d hurt you.”

“Is that why I fainted?” I reached up to touch my temple again, and tiny flecks of white lifted into the air. I tried focusing on the little pieces of fluff as Kanati spoke again.

“Yes, I didn’t mean to use so much of your energy. The connection I made also connected you to Konai’s physical body, and he pulled energy from you too.” He frowned and looked at the ground, then flicked at a blade of grass.

“How could he do that, take my energy?” That made no sense at all. And why couldn’t I move?

Kanati looked down at me, “Well, it’s hard to explain.” He lifted his hand into the air, and more sparkling flecks floated into a soft breeze that played across the grassy field.

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