Firelight and Kisses

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I inhaled sharply and turned, looking for the owner of the voice. The dim light from the small fire played over the edge of a rocking chair, and I squinted in the darkness.

“It’s okay, and I’m sorry if I startled you.” There was a small amount of movement as the chair leaned forward and I saw the edge of a woman’s face. She tilted her head slightly, and the firelight flickered over her features. A sense of familiarity had me relaxing and I leaned back over Konai.

“He’ll be okay?” My voice sounded weak and I cleared my throat.

“Yes, I’m sure both of you will be. What happened?” She sounded genuinely concerned.

“He tried to stop the storm, I don’t know what he was thinking.” I slid my hand over his hair.

“Stop the storm?”

Oh no.

I turned quickly, “I mean, well, we were out in this storm and…”

And what? How could I take that back, how could I explain? “Crap.” I lowered my head to my hands and tangled my fingers in my hair, “Oh, no… this is all wrong.”

So many times I’d wanted to tell Kaida what was going on, and I’d held back. This woman asks one simple question, and I blurt out the truth. “I only meant that… the weather was bad and… and…”

What had I done?

There was a rustling noise and I turned to face the woman as she scooted out of the rocking chair and into the light. She had long wavy black hair and huge caramel colored eyes fringed in lashes any woman would be jealous of. A small smile played across her lips and the smallest dimple formed in one cheek. A simple summer dress curved tightly over her rounded stomach as she walked slowly towards me, “Don’t worry Andrea, it’s okay. I know all about that stuff. I was just surprised he’d try something so dangerous.”

She looked so familiar but I couldn’t place where I’d seen her before, and her voice was so soothing, almost hypnotic. I sighed and looked down at Konai once more. “How do you know? I mean, how do you know about… ‘that stuff’. And how do you know he’ll be okay?”

The woman reached up and checked the silver bag that was attached to Konai. “You mean, how do I know about Guardians?” She unhooked the now empty bag and slid another into place, as though she’d done the same thing a thousand times.

“I’m married to one, it’s my job to know everything.” She turned and smiled widely, and one hand fluttered over her stomach.

I glance quickly past her to the wall of pictures and studied them. Even in the low light, I could make out photos of children. All different ages, all dark, all beautiful, all caramel eyed and dimpled. Of course.

“You’re Teddy’s mom?”

Her smile widened, “Yes I am, and proud to be.” She rubbed her stomach again and leaned over to light a small lamp. Konai’s features came into full view, and he looked so much better than he had only a few moments ago.

“How did Konai and I get here?”

“My son was helping watch over some girls at Konai’s house when he felt it necessary to go and help you find one of the other guardians. By the time he got to where you all were, the storm was over and he found you two on the ground. Tor was having a hard time trying to move you and Konai back to the car, so Teddy helped.” She stepped to the side and checked Konai’s pulse. “And please, call me Bekah.” She reached out and patted my shoulder lightly, “I’m going to let the boys know you’re okay, and leave you two alone.”

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