One Plus One

81 4 1


As plan, Yami went over to Raven's home to pick her up for their date. Together they soon arrived to the 5 star restaurant called L’Effervescence, they were seated in the middle of the room. The lights were dim and soft music was playing creating a romance scenery. The waiter had took their orders leaving Yami and Raven a moment alone to talk.

"Be honest, you're just pulling my leg about ruling Egypt right? I mean you were just trying to be funny right?"

She asked before taking a sip of her wine.

"No, honestly I'm a 5000 year old Pharoah"

Yami said seriously causing Raven looked to him in slight concern.

"By any chance did you came out of a facility recently?"

She said lowly leaning over the table towards Yami making sure no one else heard.

"No, I..."

Yami began to say but Raven cut him off as she waved her hand at him as she looked away from him.

"You know what, I don't want to know. I'm gonna take my food to go and then I'll like for you to forget my phone number, my address, and my face"

She said before raising her hand to call the waiter but Yami quickly grabbed her hand in his.

"Wait, Raven I know it sounds crazy but I just didn't want there to be any secrets between us"

Raven was about to retort when the waiter soon arrived to drop off their food before walking away. Raven let out a sigh before looking to Yami in a slight glare.

"There is no us, God, we're not even together"

"You're right, you're right, I overstep. Just please don't leave"

He pleaded. Raven looked to him sternly as she looked into his eyes to see any lies but found none. She let out a sigh in defeat.

"Fine. Just fine"

She said as she took another sip of her wine.

"What else do I have to know about you?"

She asked with a waved of her hand.

"I can control Shadow magic"

He said seriously.

"That's it, I'm out"

She said as she was about to stand up until Yami grabbed her hand.

"I'm telling you the truth"

He said sincerely. Raven frown as she continue to look at him. Yami sadly looked down at the table as he let go of her hand. He leaned back on his seat and rest his face on his hand.

"I'm sorry, just finish eating and I'll let you leave"

He said in defeat. Raven looked to him uneasy before sadly looking down at the table. A moment of silence past before Raven sadly looked up at him.

"Look I'm sorry okay"

"It's fine don't worry about it"

He said in a low tone.

"No I'm dead serious, I'm..."

Raven began to say but Yami cut her off.

"I said I'm fine"

Yami said as he looked up at her showing no emotion. Raven knew she hurt him for not believing him but how can she"

"Yami I..."

"Let's just get this date over with, I know you want to be anywhere else instead of being here with me on a Saturday night"

He said as he grabbed his fork pushing his food around. Raven shook her head refusing to give up. She placed her hand over Yami's but he pulled his hand away. Raven refused to be ignored as she grabbed his hand again refusing to hold on. Yami looked to her in surprise.

"Listen I didn't mean to make fun of you, but in my defense it just seem to far fetch to believe"

"What reason do I have to tell you a lie?"

Raven sadly looked down.


"Exactly. I'm sorry I told you the truth too soon but you're different"

Raven looked up at Yami in surprise.

"Different how?"

"In all my years, I never came across a girl like you. Your eyes sparkle like the stars, your lips are perfect, everything about you is perfect"

He confessed honestly causing Raven to slightly giggle.

"I'm far from perfect"

"How so?"

Yami question.

"Do you really care or are you just asking?"

She questioned back.

"I wouldn't have ask if I didn't care?"

"Touché. Well in that case, I don't have a job, I live on my own but I'm almost going to be evicted soon, I don't have a car, I'm eating off ramen noodles and I'm constantly on ends meet"

She said before looking at Yami sadly.

"I don't want you feel sympathy towards me, I don't need that"

Yami shook his head before looking down at their hands still connected.

"Do you want to give me a chance? For You won't have to go through this alone"

Raven thought for a moment before looking at him with a smirk.

"I'm not looking for a relationship but I am looking for a good time"

"As in a one night stand?"

He asked.

"I mean if you're into that sort of thing"

She said slightly biting her lower lip. Yami looked at her for a moment.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm offering, I'm the one that should be asking you"

She said with a laugh causing Yami to smile. He lift up her hand to his lips as he gave her a kiss.

"Then my answer is yes"

"Good. My place?"



She said with a smile as she lift up her wine glass to him.

"To a good time"

Yami smiled as he lift his glass to hers.

"To a good time"

He said as their glass clink together.

*1hr Later*


Raven yelled as she panted on her bed. Yami rolled off her, sweating as he closed his eyes in bliss as he tried catching his breathe.

"That was incredible"

She said breathlessly.

"Ah fantastic"

Yami said as he open his eyes as he turn his head to look to Raven.

'She's beautiful'

He thought. Raven felt eyes on her as she looked to see Yami staring at her lovely.

'He's handsome'

She thought.

"So what now?"

Yami asked. Raven frown in thought before looking to Yami with a smile.

"Want to go again?"

She asked causing Yami to smirk seductively as he got back on top of her.

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