
"Wait you're dating your secretary?!"

Joey yelled in shock. Yami had just broken the news to his friends about his new relationship with Raven.

"Yes and she wasn't my secretary before until recently"

Yami said in defense sitting across from his friends Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan and Bakura. They gang decided to meet up at Yugi's place.

"So when do we meet her?"

Tristan asked. Yami looked down at his phone at the time and smiled.

"Here she is"

He said just in time as the bell rang. He went to open the door to see Raven carrying take out food. He immediately helped carry the food in before giving her a brief kiss.

"Sorry I'm late, the line was long"

"No worries, you're right in time"

He said as he led her to the livingroom where everyone was located. They placed everything on the table before Raven happily greeted everyone. Tea wasn't too fond of another girl having Yami's attention.

"So Yami, where did you find her? Escort.com"

Tea said with a hint of disgust. Raven immediately look to Tea with a glare but decided to smile nonetheless since she was Yami's friend.

"The same place where he found you at"

"What the hell does that suppose to mean?!"

Tea yelled as she immediately stood up angrily. Raven remained unfazed as she simply smirk.

"You're cruising for a bruisen bitch"

"Okay I think everyone needs a time out"

Yugi said as he immediately intervene to make sure nobody gets hurt.

"Your right. Raven I'm sorry you got offended"

"Tea don't start"

Yami said sternly.

"What? Me?! Didn't you just hear what she said? She just threaten me!"

Tea yelled in anger.

"Because you insulted her"

"It was just a question, gosh!"

"You called me an escort bitch! I'll give you five reasons not to cross me"

Raven said holding up her fist as she stood up to face Tea. Yugi was holding Tea back and Yami was holding Raven back while Joey, Tristan and Bakura stood out of the way, helping themselves to some food Raven brought over.

"Now this is what I call a dinner and a show"

Bakura said taking a slice of pizza while watching the drama in front of him.

"You said it"

Tristan said and Joey nodded his head in agreement.

"Whatever! I know when I'm not wanted"

Tea said leaving out of the room hoping Yami would follow and talk to her.

"I'll talk to her"

Yugi said with a sigh before chasing after Tea. Yami soon let Raven go as soon as he felt her relax. She turn to face him as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, just who the hell is she?"

She asked annoyed. Yami scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Her name is Tea and she's a really good friend"

"Does she talks to everyone that way?"


"Actually she does"

A voice said causing Raven and Yami immediately to turn their heads to the three guys occupying the couch. Joey swallowed the lump in his throat before laughing nervously.

"With this one girl Rebecca and Vivian. Tea became a jealous cheerleader"

Raven looked to Yami with a slight glare.

"So theirs more girls?"

She asked to her boyfriend.

"Well there's Ishizu, Mia, Mana..."

"Thank you...Joey"

Yami said sternly causing Joey to shut his mouth as he soon realized he put Yami in a bigger hole.

"It's not what you think"

"Sure. Enjoy the food boys"

Raven said before walking out of the house.

"Raven please let me explain"

Yami pleaded as he followed her.

"Explain what? What could you possibly know what I'm thinking"

She said angrily.

"They're just friends. I swear"

"What about Tea?"



"If I explain, can you please just understand and listen"

Raven looked to Yami and soon her anger began to fade as she took a deep breathe.


"Let's talk somewhere more private"

He said as he led her to his car and drive off to his two story house. Together they went inside, Yami offered her a drink before they settle down on the couch to continue the discuss where they left off.

"There was a time, I dated Tea before I got my physical body. Yugi set me up with her but that was the end of that. I only saw Tea as a good friend because she was Yugi's friend. There's nothing else beyond friends. I was only doing Yugi a favor because he forced me"

Yami said sincerely. Raven remained silent as she watched him hold her hand giving it a brief kiss on her knuckles.

"Are you sure there's nothing else I should know about?"

"I'm sure. If I can take it back before I met you then I would"

He said sadly as he got off the couch sliding down to the floor on his knees.

"Raven please, I'm sorry I hurt you so early in our relationship. I'm sorry about Tea, if I would have remembered the way she behaves around other girls then I would have never introduced you to her. The last thing I would ever want is someone to hurt you."

Raven couldn't help but smile at Yami's words. She cupped his cheek forcing him to slightly look up at her.

"No secrets between us, okay"

She said quietly before pressing her lips to his in a sweet kiss.

"I promise"

He said with a gentle smile.

"Good. Now I would want to meet these other girls who you're friends with"

"Very well.. What about you? Do you have any guy friends?"

Yami questioned. Raven smirk as she trailed her hand from his cheek to his tie.

"Well just only one. You could say I'm very close to my boss"

Yami couldn't help but smirk as she loosen up his tie and took off his blazer.

"How close?"

"Very, very close"

She whispered to his ear letting her hot breath blow on his ear causing him to let out a surprise groan.

"Let's take this to the bedroom"

He said hurriedly as he took off her jacket before chasing her up the stairs and into the room.

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