01 | Chimon

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When Chimon woke up that morning, everything was already in chaos downstairs.

Chaos was a kind word — more like pandemonium.

"I told you to put it in the laundry yesterday!"

"You didn't tell me anything!"

"Has anyone seen my socks?!"

"Newwie, babe, we're going to have a symposium this afternoon. I can't cook dinner."

"But you promised you'd cook this time! I'll be on the field until tomorrow!"

"Phaw, don't worry, I'll cook."

"Are you sure, Gigie? Don't you have school council duties on Wednesdays?"

"I'll just Line them that something came up. They'll understand. Oh, good morning, Mon!"

The chaos suddenly stopped. Like dogs with their tails between their legs, the ensuing onslaught of the morning courtesy of the men of the Vihokratana-Techaapaikhun household reverted to quietness upon realizing that Chimon had been watching them. As Chimon sat down beside Nanon, the youngest of the four children and his best friend, he felt like all eyes were trained on him. His Uncle Tay who smiled sheepishly at him was quick in delivering breakfast to his part of the table. Frank, the third child, had successfully found his socks stuffed in a corner of the living room and returned to sit beside Pluem, the eldest, who was stealing glances at Chimon.

"Khun, stop staring at him," said Nanon, not even looking up from his food.

"I wasn't!" Pluem responded defensively.

"You were," Frank joined in.

"Shut up," said Pluem.

"That's enough," said his Uncle New, and the table went silent again.

"So, how was the study session last night?" Gigie, the second eldest and only daughter, kickstarted the breakfast conversation once more. She raised an eyebrow at Chimon. "I heard groaning of misery last night. Did Nanon's brain explode?"

"Very funny," said Nanon mockingly at his older sister.

"I've read that there are different types of intelligences," said Chimon, scooping some of the soup. "Each person has their own uniqueness. Nanon has his, and I have mine. Based on our study session last night, numbers aren't his strong suit but he's really good at sports so many he has bodily-kinesthetic intelligence."

"Well aren't you sweet," said Gigie. Then, she turned to Pluem. "Don't you agree, phi chai? They're really sweet, aren't they? They're so cute together, right?"

"You're lucky that you're a girl. Otherwise, insolence won't pay well," said Pluem, throwing his sister a murderous look.

Tay patted Pluem on the shoulder. "Plue, we've talked about this."

"I know, phaw. I know..."

"And Gie, honey, stop teasing your brother," said Tay to Gigie.

Gigie groaned. "Yes, phaw."

They once again ate breakfast in silence. There was nothing left to say but Chimon, without anything to say for himself, could feel the tension in the air. A house full of alphas and betas isn't without strife, his Uncle New had told him before. As the sole omega of the family (so far, that is—Nanon hasn't had his Turning yet), he had to constantly deal with dominant wolf egos all year-round.

"Finish your breakfast," said his Uncle New. "Don't wanna be late for your classes."

But for some odd reason, despite being dominant wolves, Uncle New could easily shut them up with a glare or a stern voice—and Chimon thought that was really cool.

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