07 | Metawin

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Win tapped his feet on the sidewalk.

The tutoring session he was supposed to do that evening had been cancelled abruptly. The younger students offered their thousand apologies and he simply nodded and left. He had no use for apologies when his time had already been wasted. Taking out the keys from his pocket, an unfamiliar shadow crept towards him with a strange scent that was like the sea breeze of a stormy morning.

"You're a lot more handsome in the evening," said the stranger, still half-covered in shadow. There was a glint in his eye that was familiar. It seemed as if Win had seen it somewhere before but he was not quite sure where exactly. The stranger stepped forward and Win's muscles tensed, ready to pounce at any sign of hostility. But the lamplights revealed the stranger from the shadows: Tall and lean, he had a smile on his face that Win has most definitely seen before. "Though I can't say the same for myself."

The man was Jennie Panhan's lingering shadow. Win had seen him quite a few times when he goes to the director's office on prefect visits. The overwhelming aroma of Director Panhan's spiced teas which this man served had masked his ocean scent. Perhaps that was why Win didn't recognize him quickly enough.

"I've seen you before," said Win.

"Plenty," said the director's shadow. He held out his hand towards Win. "Vachirawit Chiv-aree. You can call me Bright, if you like."

Win shook Bright's hand lightly, a small buzz ran through his skin and he withdrew his hand. He stared at it for a second, wondering if it was just the cold or simply his imagination. "You're Director Panhan's assistant, aren't you?"

Bright nodded. "Most of the time." He leaned onto the roof of Win's car which was still a bit damp from the rain an hour ago. "But right now, I'm here for you."

Win raised his brow. "For me?"

"P'Jennie sent me here."

"Is this about me being a prefect?"

Bright laughed. "It's a more personal matter than that. I've been sent here to be your bodyguard."

"I can protect myself." Win pressed the car remote in his hand and the door opened. "Now, if you'll excuse me, Mr. Chiv-aree, I'll get going."

Bright slammed the car door shut again and Win glared at him.

"What the hell?"

"I'm being serious," said Bright. "I don't care if you think you can handle yourself because you're some big alpha. P'Jennie sent me here to do a job, and I intend to see it through. Your hand, please."

Win rolled his eyes. "What, are we supposed to shake hands or something before you do your job?"

"No, that's not it." Bright snatched Win's hand and held it close to his lips. "I need to mark you."

"What?!" Win struggled to pull his hand away. "What do you mean mark me?!"

"Relax, it's temporary," said Bright. "I need to be able to know where you are at any given moment. It's a shallow mark, not meant to make you my mate. Simply put, it releases your pheromones which allows me to sense your presence and whether or not you're in any present danger. It would be quite a chore for both of us if I lingered behind you like a ghost all the time."

"So you're gonna bite my hand?"

Bright flipped Win's hand to reveal his wrist. "A small incision into the scent glands in your wrist would do the trick."

"How do I know you're not trying to trick me into mating with you?"

"Alphas are the ones who mark their partners—and I am not an alpha. Mating marks are also done on the neck near the carotid artery where the—"

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