08 | Tay

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The white wolf was chasing after him.

Tay's wolf—black and sleek under the moonlight—ran faster into the heart of the forest. Dried leaves and frail twigs cracked and snapped underneath his paws as he contemplated what had just transpired. He admits to himself that perhaps he overreacted. The sight of his younger brother unexpectedly triggered an unwelcome response from him. To discover that his own mate was speaking with the Northern wolves behind his back riled him up even more.

Even though Tay prided himself on having much self-control, tonight's events showed that he was still lacking. The Northern blood is still in him after all—wild and prideful—and it ran in all his children as well. His wolf huffed as he climbed the low cliffs, zigzagging through the trees until the clearing where the pack's hidden abode was peeking through the low-hanging canopies. He glanced behind him to discover that his pursuer had strangely given up the chase. It was not until he morphed back into his human form that Tay noticed the lights were already on in the garden. The overwhelming scent that flared in his nostrils could only be from one person.

New was sitting on the edge of the pool, cleaned and fully clothed.

"How did you get here before me?" said Tay.

"I know a shortcut," said New timidly. Of course, he did, thought Tay. New knew a lot of things—some of which he didn't even tell Tay. The omega bit his lip. "Can we talk? Please?"

"Why? Got more secrets to tell me?" Tay growled. "More secrets that you didn't tell me—your own mate?"

New whimpered. "Tay...please don't get angry anymore..."

"Why shouldn't I get angry?" Tay dipped his naked body into the cold pool, heat dissipating from him. Maybe the pool can also quell his emotions. He too, despite the fact that he felt betrayed by New's actions, didn't want to remain angry at his mate as well. "We're supposed to be a team, shouldn't we? We promised each other that after we mated. You have kept things from me even after that—and I have been so lenient about it—but this has to stop, New. You can't place everything in your hands and presume you can fight it on your own power. Something will eventually go wrong and you won't be able to do anything about it."

New whimpered again. "I'm sorry..."

Tay swam towards the other side of the pool where New was sitting at the edge. He heard New's breathing hitch when he took his hand. As much as he wanted to stay angry at his mate, Tay knew that he couldn't. He really can't. Pressing his lips on the back of New's hand, he gazed up at his lovely omega: all red in the cheeks, staining his skin that was as pale as the moonlight.

"Tell me everything," he said while his other hand gently traced up New's thigh. He heard his mate trying to hold back his moan. How could he stay angry at that? "I am your alpha, aren't I? Whatever secrets you have are mine. All your fears and troubles are mine to bear. So don't hide from me. We're not getting any younger, New. It's time you trusted me completely."

"I...I do trust you..." New's pheromones were hanging in the air. The sweet smell of peaches danced around Tay's nostrils. But there was something amiss—something else lingered with the sweetness as New's words faded. "It's just that..."

"Nothing you will tell me would ever push me away," said Tay softly.

"I know that."

"Then tell me."

New shook his head.

With a heavy sigh, Tay hoisted himself out of the water. "We both don't like what I'm about to do but you leave me no choice." Spices filled the air, choking the sweet scent. Like a wave of dominance, New struggled against Tay's overpowering scent that were trying to reduce him to his basic urges. Tay looked down on him with hooded eyes, his rhythmic breathing in sync with New's heart loudly palpitating. "Newwie, babe, you have to tell me," said Tay calmly.

The Wolf House | OffGun - TayNew |Where stories live. Discover now