04 | Jennie

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The White Rose stained in crimson.

Everything was fine and dandy that day. The soft pitter-patter of the rain and the scent of petrichor all the more made afternoon tea extremely dramatic. And Jennie was all about the flare and the overly dramatic. She had just finished a meeting with the school's board of governors—an excellent meeting, to say the least. No doubt the board was dazzled by her enamel white, knee-length overcoat with gold trimmings and, of course, her words of assurances.

Jennie was hoping to enjoy the quiet afternoon with her tea in her office but there came an unruly knock on the door and a group of armed men suddenly burst inside. Did they force their way in? The silence and lack of struggle outside implied that they waltzed in like they owned the place. Funny enough, her assistant, an omega named Bright, gently closed the door to the office.

The men made no waste of time stating their business, which is profitable since Jennie really wanted to finish her cup of tea in tranquility. The quicker she dealt with whatever these ugly punks wanted, the quicker she would enjoy the tea before heading home for the night.

"Where's the Red Fang?" said the slickest one of them all, taking a seat on one of the cushions as if it was a throne. Jennie noted that he smelled like aftershave and a cheap bottle of mass produced cologne. The scar on his cheek was probably an aesthetic way to imply that he was to be feared but Jennie found it lacking of intimidation.

She hasn't heard that name uttered in a long while. The name that had become nothing but a faded memory, a long arduous history of death and blood. The name of her once most skilled agent whose utterance caused the underground world to shiver in fear. The merciless, the savage animal.

Jennie sat down the edge of her table. "I'm sorry, who?"

"Red Fang. The assassin."

"Sir, this is a school for children," said Jennie. "There are no assassins here."

"Stop playing dumb, sweetheart."

The name made Jennie's finger twitch. Sweetheart. A word degenerate men whistle at women walking down the street while gazing at them like a piece of meat. She didn't want to hear any more of it but to place a façade of innocence rather than administer a quick death was a much palpable route.

"I'm afraid I'm not playing dumb, sir," said Jennie calmly. "This institution is one of the best schools in Thailand. If we would ever produce assassins, it would be assassins of the mind and extra-curricular activities."

The slick one stood up from his cushiony throne and shook his head. "Miss Panhan, there isn't much we know about you but we do know you are part of the White Rose's league. Judging from your sphere of influence, I'd say you either rank pretty high up the assassins' echelon or you're a loyal confidant of White Rose herself." He paced the room, acting like he had methodically planned everything out but Jennie could tell it was all a mask, just like that scar. "If you will not tell us where Red Fang is, perhaps you could direct us to White Rose? Maybe she will be more cooperative."

Jennie shrugged. "I'm sorry but I have no idea who these people you are talking about are. Like I said, this is an educational insti—"

Temper was perhaps not one of the slick man's strongest virtues. In anger, he pulled out his gun and pressed it onto Jennie's temple. "Listen here, you bitch. Drop the cultured act already. Tell me where White Rose is or else I'll blow your fucking brains out, you hear me?!"

Jennie sighed. "First of all, such language is not acceptable in this institution. Second, you barging into my office without even a hint of courtesy is simply disrespectful. Lastly, you should have done your research more, sir."

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