09 | Chimon

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Early hours of the morning, cold and quiet.

Chimon sat in a corner of Nanon's bedroom beside the window, busy scribbling on his tablet. Nanon was still snoring away in some dream that involved him talking in his sleep. Chimon thought he looked cute, as per usual. He's not as hot-headed and rash as when he's awake.

Ever since he saw his Uncle Tay's brother use his Sakdi powers last night, he had become more and more fascinated by their abilities. P'Arm was certainly a different Sakdi from Ohm. The blind wolf didn't seem to have any problems using his powers. Ohm, on the other hand, gets very weak whenever he starts having visions. Chimon thought it was a missed opportunity to talk to P'Arm and maybe ask how to help Ohm with his own Sakdi gift. Maybe that way, he could find a solution to stop Ohm from getting weak for using his powers. He wondered if there was someone else he knew that was a Sakdi. Maybe he should research more about it or ask his Phaw Jumpol if he could use his private library—

"It's three in the morning." Chimon was startled to find Nanon standing in front of him with sleepy eyes and a raspy voice. "What are you doing? We already answered the assignments last night. There aren't any quizzes today because it's a Friday so—"

"I'm doing other things," said Chimon. "Go back to sleep."

Nanon grumbled and sat down beside Chimon. He leaned forward, squinting at the harsh light of the tablet Chimon was holding. "Aren't these your Ohm Notes?"

"Ohm Notes?"

"Well...yeah. The stuff you write about Ohm when he talks funny. It sounds weird, like were experimenting on our friend, but what else should I call it? You give weird names to other things too."

"Go back to sleep, Non."

Nanon shook his head and pouted. "If I'm going back to sleep, you need to go back to sleep too." He grabbed Chimon by the hand and Chimon rolled his eyes, shutting off his tablet and heading back to bed begrudgingly. He wondered if this was because he had indulged Nanon so much when he wants to cuddle. Not to be prejudiced or anything, but according to the studies he has read, it has been shown that wolf pups who enjoy intimate acts have a higher percentage of becoming an omega when they have their Turning. Genetically speaking, Nanon had a very huge chance of becoming any of the three hierarchal dynamics. Since his older brother, P'Pluem, was the heir of the Northern Clan, it was plain to see that Nanon also had royal blood in him passed down by his alpha father. Nanon has Eastern omega blood as well. Some books described them as having "magical blood" but he doesn't know if that's figurative or literal. Chimon did a mental Punnett square in his head but Nanon poked him by the hip which made him yelp.

"Tell your brain to go to sleep, phi," said Nanon. "I can smell it when you're thinking hard."


"—not possible?" Nanon snorted. "Yeah, it is. You smell like flowers. Like lilies after a summer rain. It smells nice but it makes my nose itchy. It's too much, especially when your brain is working hard."

There was no reason further to argue with a barely half-awake Nanon so Chimon shut his eyes, felt his friend's warm cuddle on his back, and willed himself to fall into a deep slumber. There in his dreams, he was lost in the middle of the forest with the smell of spices and fruits lingering thick in the air.


School that day felt different, to say the least. Chimon couldn't quite put his finger on it but ever since that visit from the Northern wolves, there was a heaviness in the air. His senses picked up on it right from the moment he and Nanon went down for breakfast. While they were eating, his Uncle Newwie explained that he was going to be staying there for the weekend, as requested by his Phaw Jumpol. He didn't miss the glances exchanged by his Uncle Newwie and Uncle Tay. Grown up stuff, he just told himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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