Chapter Seven: The Shift

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An unknown amount of time has passed...

Max [POV]

Uhh, where are we going, Max? We've been walking for hours? I reply we're almost there; stay patient. Some time has passed since the events I wrote in this journal. First things first, we are on the run from lunatics that want to kill us for the 100th time. Well, kill the others; they want me alive for something I'm not too sure what for.

We have been through a lot, and that would be an understatement, but let me start from the beginning. A week after, we experienced the first earthquake; a couple more had happened. There was no end to them, as they would occur throughout the city.

There have been evacuation issues in some parts. Luckily none of them had hit our area after the first one. Everyone has been talking about the coincidence that the meteor impact and the earthquakes were connected. The news would show the same video of the meteor falling and the group of scientists collecting samples. Even at school, I could hear many groups of kids talking about the many types of conspiracy theories through Brian's bag about it. A black sludge aroma waved throughout the school, which made me sick at times, but luckily it didn't taint Brian's ocean fragrance.

There was something else to it, though, like a foreboding sensation that I couldn't shake off. It was like something big was going to happen. Something is definitely coming, but I do not know what. When the class begins, the teacher comes in with a concerned look. She would walk back and forth into view while stressing about something. She looks anxiously between the class and at her phone. A good ten minutes go by, and she begins talking.

"You know there have been a series of earthquakes the past week. Well, we will be evacuating the school to a safe zone in the mountains. We all contacted your family members, and they will be on their way there as well. Please stand up in a single line and head to the cafeteria, where we will assign you bus numbers 1-50." Brian grabs his bag, and we leave for the cafeteria. Crowds of hundreds of students are already there.

All the teachers, even the staff, were helping students into their buses. Amy and Richard were in the distance, persuading two kids to trade with them so that we could be all together. A good half hour passes until everyone is safely inside the busses, heading to this "safe zone." We drove for three hours, only stopping for gas and two restroom breaks. Both Richard and Amy have been calling their parents, only for them to be sent to voicemail. It was a good thing that I have been practicing my telepathy for the past month. I learned to control my powers better and could easily open a link between us four.

Through telepathy, Richard states, I'm worried about my mom and dad; they haven't been answering any of my calls. It will be fine, Amy says. Yeah, she probably didn't take her magic Box, I mean phone, when she evacuated. As I stretched in the bag, Brian noted, yeah, you're both probably right.

We sit silently for a while until I get an overwhelming feeling. Something is wrong; watch out, you guys, be careful. I begin to warn. What is it? Richard said before being interrupted by the whole bus shaking as the ground around us cracked open. The driver swirls and sways to avoid falling in. After the event, a teacher asks if everyone is ok? Don't worry; we're almost there, just a bit further.

But that wasn't the end of those tremors. It was hard for us as we were moving everywhere just to avoid the cracks in the streets. A bus before us was stuck in a hole and could not escape. All of the students were outside. A teacher then speaks, Everyone, we will have some of the other students ride with us, so group together in threes. Some of the students came in with us, and the rest on another bus. We miraculously arrived at the "Safe Zone" without any more accidents, hoping to be safe and reunited with their families finally.

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