New peoples

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I was confused of why I could see everything again until, "I can see...... I CAN SEE!" I yelled as I hugged wukong and macaque in excitement. "You did it MK you got your vision back." Said macaque as I smiled at him. I looked up to see who did that blast, I heard someone calling my name, "HEYYYY XIAHUAAAA!" I didn't know who it was but it felt like I met this person before. I was finally able to see who it was, it was a boy who has a small pony tail and a purple headband who was smiling at me, his clothes looks ancient. I yelled, "WHO ARE YOU!?" He replied, "Awwww so sad apple doesn't remember me at all and look what we have here is that, no way, mango and peaches Hahhahaha this is getting so much better." Macaque and wukong and I was confused I looked at them as the shrugged, it like we didn't know him at all. I heard a tch from that boy again as he falls down on his feet in front of me. He used us shadow clone just like macaque always do with his clones and pull everyone except me, macaque, and wukong.
"It's so sad you three doesn't remember me, I'm gonna cry for that." He said as he wiped his fake tears. Wukong asked, "who are you and what do you want." He tsk three time and replied, "the names bai cheng, oh I have miss you three so much, I'm only here to get you guys that's all." He used his giant shadow man just like macaque but different design. I looked at macaque and said, "did you have a pupil and not tell us." He replied, "no I don't even know him!?" I heard a laugh from bai cheng and he said, "you really don't remember well how about this." He squeezed my friends as they screamed. We didn't know what to do until wukong teleported behind him and punched his back. The way they do it, felt like they done this before, I don't remember at all.

I ran to get mango and peaches for help but was caught by bai cheng shadow as it pulled me down, I was able to get free and destroy every shadow and ran to get mango and peaches. Luckily I was able to get them, I put them on a cloud that I was able to summon and let them flew to get help. I ran back and see everyone who did there best to fight bai cheng. I went in front and confessed, "okay I have no idea who you are but I know that I have met you before but I don't remember but I'm going to ask you to leave." We stared at each other until bai cheng said, "fine I'll let you guys go but you won't get away this time when we fight." He left as I turned around and looked at the others who was injured. It was my fault who left then just to get mango and peaches. Hours have passed, I locked myself in the room don't want to open the door because I thought maybe it was me. I heard a knocked on my door I yelled, "who is it." "It's me."said the monk. I didn't want to be rude so I opened the door as he walked inside. It was quiet until I asked, "is there something that you need." I looked at him as he nodded, "yes can you tell me who can we get home since somehow I felt a presence inside you as if you can defeat the enemy in a second." I looked at him then looked down. "I don't know how but how did you guys get here." I said while watering the plant that was beside me. I replied, "I remember Buddha was asking us to do something so we did what he asked and we got here."
I didn't know what to say so I thought and said, "maybe uh I think what if that was Buddha from the future I think I don't know I don't know all about my powers." There was silent until I said, "hey uh can you do something for me." He nods and looked at me deeply. I was nervous but asked, "A few months ago I fell asleep and had this vision of my past selves like two of them meeting sun wukong like two times in my first vision and my second was meeting wukong and macaque with my pets mango and peaches, I also had a vision of me being younger and meeting Nezha with my brother as a young child." The monk was shocked and confused and said, "why are you telling me this uh xiahua." That name felt familiar, I looked down and looked at the window. I replied, "because I don't want the others to know about it before they start to be worried about me and I trust you because my heart is telling me to."

Younger wukong POV:
I overheard the conversation and wondered why he didn't want to tell us there must be more to it. I walked away as I swing my staff around, I looked around and see the others getting alone pigsy and tang with ju baije, sandy with the other sandy, red son with mei, and older me with macaque auguring with something. I think to myself if I should tell older me and older macaque about it, but it was invade MK's privacy but it the only way for him but he doesn't want to tell them. Someone poked me behind as I jumped and turned around it was MK smiling at me. "Is there something wrong wukong you look pale." He said in a soft voice. I nodded as he put his hand on my face as he rubbed my wound, it hurts a little but I didn't mind. "It seems like it needs to be healed in an hour." He said as he smiled and closing his eyes. I looked down and still thinking about if I should or not. I heard MK whispered, "I know you know about it please don't tell anyone." He hugged me and I hugged her back. He pulled away and smiled for a bit.
No one's POV:
As hours have passed by someone came with peaches and mango. MK ran towards them as he hugged mango and peaches.
MK: I'm so glad you joined us Nezha
Nezha: I heard there was trouble so I came here as fast as I can
The younger monkey came in and jumped on MKs back.
Younger wukong: whoa that's what you look like in the future Nezha you look old like thousands years old
Nezha:uh what's going on and why is there two wukongs and his group
MK rubbed his back head as older wukong pulled up.
Older wukong: there is someone or something out there destroying the earth and we need your help.

MK's past life (recontinued)Where stories live. Discover now