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Kaisa, David and frida had returned to the Secret room, were they first teleported to the great forest, they were standing at the exact same spot, before kaisa had first done the Teleporting Spell, kaisa spoke to the young children.

Kaisa: are you children alright?

David: i think I'm going to be sick!

Frida: really David, you traveled in much worse ways then that, what about you hilda, hilda?

When they did not Received a response from hilda, kaisa, Frida and David were looking every around the secret room, but did not seen or heard from hilda.

David: where's hilda, wasn't she with us Earlier, at the forest?

Frida: she was, hilda was right next to me?

Kaisa was remembering everything that could had possible happened, during the transportation Spell, she remembered all three of the children were inside the transportation ring, then kaisa quickly realized what could had happened to hilda.

Kaisa: Frida, you say hilda was right next to you, how close was she, next to you?

Frida: I remember we were close side by side together, then I took a few steps forward and hilda was behind me, I thought she was moving forward too?

David: I hadn't really noticed hilda was inside the ring, you don't think?

Kaisa: as I fear, she did not come with us, hilda had chosen to stay behind and look for the werewolf alone.

Both Frida and David were shocked of what kaisa had said to them both, they did not understand why their best friend had chose to stay behind, and continued the search for the Last werewolf alone.

David: but why, why didn't she tell us?

Kaisa: hilda had Feared that you two will try to both talk and stop her from searching the werewolf, she was following her heart at the time, and could not let any harm come to the last werewolf, I fear all she had done, was put herself in danger?

David and frida were very worried of hilda, the thought of knowing that hilda being in any form of danger, had truly made their hearts heavy, and concerned of her very life.

Frida: we need to go back and find, before it's to late!

Kaisa: I'm afraid that's not possible right now.

Frida: but hilda might be in great danger, even life Threatening, we need to go back now!

Kaisa: i know you and David are very concerned of hilda, but I Consumed a great deal of my inner magic-energy, I cannot cast another teleportation spell, at this time, I'm truly sorry.

David: there must be another way, we could ask Matilda to teleport us, back to the forest, very quickly, and find hilda.

Kaisa: you don't understand, the great forest is massive and it has many dangerous creatures in it, we do not even know were she is at right now, and I cannot let you go in the forest alone, and risk being attacked by another dangerous beast!

Frida: but we have to find hilda, we just can't do nothing, we have to at least try something, hilda is our best friend, she needs us all!

Kaisa understood how concerned and worried sick they are to hilda, she to wish to find and help the young girl with blue hair, but she also understand that she could not put both Frida and David any form of danger either.

Kaisa was in deep thought, trying to find a solution, of the dire situation, she then remembered something that Matilda had both shown and taught her, as a young Apprentice Which.

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