Chapter 28. Aaaaah!

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"Stop freaking out and turn the music down!!"

"I am not freaking out! OKAY!"

"Donna, turn it down!"

I unplugged my iPod and threw it on my bed. Hyperventilating, I sat on the floor to catch my breath.

"What the hell Donna!" Ana said coming to my side. "You didn't have to play the music that loud. I'm sure Mr. Herman from next door will come knocking soon."

"Does this face look like it cares?" I shot back close to tears.

"Don't snap at me!"

"Well, I am! You insisted that I should ask him out and now, I have no freaking idea where we should go!"

"Is that all?" Ana said calmly. "That's no cause to panic."


"Take him to the park you always go to," Ana suggested. "It's sunny out and you can have a picnic."

"Of course!" I said getting up. "That's a great idea!"

"Get ready and I will prepare the basket," Ana said smiling triumphantly.

"Don't forget to pack Twizzlers a bottle of Apple cider!" I said walking into our closet.

"So, what do you think?"

"Woah, okay. Seems like you'll be having more than a picnic." Ana said smirking.

"How is this too much?" I'm in my rugged boyfriend jeans, flowery tank top and Converse.

"I honestly find that sassy and it will drive Adrian crazy considering how we constantly dress at work."

"Well, let's hope it does drive him crazy. I am tired of waiting for him to make his move."

"Here you go," She said handing me the basket.

"What did you put in here?" I asked struggling to carry it.

"You know, the essentials," She said winking.

"Why are you winking?"

"Come on, don't keep him waiting!" She said pushing me towards the door.

"Fine, fine!"

"Have fun!" She said winking again andshut the door in my face.

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