Chapter 43. Stop Crying

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I reached home exhausted and completely drained. My apartment was dark, and it felt empty. Odin would be knocking at my door in about an hour with my fish, so I filled up the tub, added eucalyptus Epsom salt, shea butter bubble bath, and soaked myself.

My mind drifted back to the horrible camping trip. I barely enjoyed the nice weather, beautiful lake, and my favorite; marshmallows, all because someone saw it fit to ruin it for everyone before the fun even began. Couldn't he have broken up with me after camping or even via text? That would have been easier since now, I hate camping altogether.

Stop getting carried away Donna...there are so many fish in the sea.

I was in my bathrobe when Odin rang the doorbell. I was feeling relaxed and my favorite song was playing in the background.

"Odin! How are you?" I said opening the door and letting him in.

"Before anything, I have bad news," He said taking a hold of my hands.

"What? Wait...where are my fish?" I asked alarmed finally noticing that he walked in with no bowl.

"Donna, they died this morning before I changed the water," he said his voice cracking.

"No!" I cried falling to the floor.

"Donna, this is on me," He said following me down. "I am really sorry. I should have been more careful. I should have kept a close eye on them as you do. All I can say is that I'm sorry."

"I know and it's okay," I said sniffling back tears. "It's not your fault. I should have stayed home. You did all you could."

"How was camping though?" He asked.

"Let's just say I've had the worst three days of my life and the fish was the cherry on top," I replied getting up and doing my best to smile however awkward it seemed. "We're stronger each time we get up after a fall."

"Donna, do you want to talk about it?" He asked following me to the kitchen.

"No, not today. I simply want to binge-watch Supernatural, if you're down for it," I said grabbing the popcorn bowl.

"Yes," Odin replied smiling back. 

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