•*~Chapter 1~*•

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I thought I would be used to the darkness by now, as it had always welcomed me. Today was the day I proved myself wrong.

I blink open my weary eyes and gaze around at my surroundings, only to find pitch black.

It's disturbingly uncomfortable, even though I know Cal should be somewhere hidden deep within this ash too-

I almost choke at the thought.
Cal is here with me.
Or, well, he should be.

I whimper out his name, thinking myself to be far too hopeful for someone that is likely abandoned in God-knows where.

I don't remember how I came to end up here in the first place. I don't remember anything.

"Cal?" I call out again, this time louder. My raw throat aches at the what-should've-been a normal sound, and tears well my eyes. My own echo answers me-

A groan succumbs my thoughts, and I gasp at the familiar voice, "Mare?"

"Cal? Cal! It's me!" I cry out, relief flooding my veins. For the first time, I try to move, only to be forced back down. I yelp in the process, feeling a heavy sort of metal harshly wrapped against my wrists.

Not metal. Chains.

Made of silent stone too, noting the slight sense of tingling magic.

A wormy panic tingles into my stomach as I look down at my wrists, even though nothing is visible.

I begin to realise where we are.

The best I can do with my wrists is lift them up towards my head, of which I do. I stroke my ice-cold fingers across the "M" branding on my neck, somehow burning against the touch.

"Mare? Are you there?" Cal replies, and I heard the sound of his own heavy chains before the thud, shuddering in the process.

"Yes I am, and I think I know where we are too." I immediately take back the words, regretting them as soon as they came out.

Cal seems to know too, by the grimace he was making. "We're back in Archeon, aren't we-?"

The sound of a latch unlocking interrupts us both, and I straighten my back, waiting for someone to appear.

The sound of soft footsteps against tile becomes increasingly louder in volume, and I grit my teeth, scrunching my fists together.

For a moment, nothing happens. At some point, the atmosphere turns so silent, I think I'm dreaming.

A ball of fire illuminates the room, allowing me to both hiss, and take a better look at the room I was in.

Not room. Dungeon.

I turn back to look at the cause of the fire, fearing the worst, and there I see it, his beautiful, perfect face.

So perfect, it needs to be destroyed.

Maven's smirk is anything but forgiving. 

"Hello, darling," he coos.

And...yeah, that was the end of the first chapter! How'd you guys like it? Do you think there's anything I need to improve on? 😅
Thank you for getting this far! Feel free to continue!


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