Chapter One

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It all had started deep in Edonia, adjusting their guns as the team gathered around. One man explained their positions and the loss of their team while most listened. Chris turned to the members of his squad, eyes all on his figure as he began his speech. He addresses how every man has a part in their mission and Piers added with a confident. "Nobodies expendable." He continues and after a moment they turn to one of their newer members. "Finn, give us the update."

"Yes, sir!" He turns slightly and aims a device towards the ground in the center of the group and it shines brightly their location and what they are trying to reach as well as information on their enemy. "The guerrillas are using a new species of B.O.W. Command is calling them 'J'avo.' They are extremely intelligent, incredibly strong." As he explains he makes a few small gestures. "And have the ability to mutate in response to physical trauma."

Chris stood up calmly, "All right, you know the drill. We split into three teams. Move out!"

"You got it!"

"Yes sir!" All rang back to him.

He approached Finn calmly and leaned over. "You're the rookie, huh?"

Finn stumbled over his words slightly as he stepped closer. "Yes sir, Finn Macauley, sir."

Chris nodded, "I know you're nervous Finn, but the teams got your back. Ok?" He asks as he pats the rookies shoulder.

Finn nodded confidently with a calm, "Yes sir! I'll give this everything I've got!" Chris pat his shoulder again before turning to move out. Finn leaned over towards piers and shyly asked. "Is he always this awesome?"

Piers shook his head and started walking away, going over to one of the vehicles. Finn, having been given no answer, looked around before starting to follow behind them.

Sitting in the back of a truck, half of his body sitting out as he peered around. The ride seemed almost calm, unnervingly so until Pier's shouted. "Enemy fire! Enemy fire! Alpha Team, engage!" And the sound of gunfire ensued shortly after. A rocket flew and hit the truck in front of Chris, causing him to recoil as the vehicle launched above him. "All troops spread out! Return fire!"

"Come in HQ! We're taking fire at the Two of Hearts! Engaging the enemy!" Chris called as he started climbing quickly out of the military truck.

"Copy that. Keep an eye out for those powered up soldiers." Following that Chris and his team began pushing forward in the ranks, watching and firing at the enemies as they ambushed.

They make their way through the streets, dodging both rockets and bullets that clashed against the stone and metal around them. Piers raced forward, leaping over a cement blockade before shooting one of the several J'avo in front of him. One ran forward, attempting to swing at him. The male ducked under and pressed the muzzle of the gun against the enemies face to push them back and disorient them.

Once he succeeded he stepped back as Chris tackled the J'avo to the side and used his combat knife to plunge it into the throat. With a quick slice, and the flicker of dark crimson filling the street the two finish off the final ones next to them and enter a building for temporary cover.

They were ambushed inside by more, but managed to successfully take the several enemies on the own before HQ speaks again. "Alpha Team, come in. Our units are spread too thin right now. I'm afraid we can't offer you any assistance."

"Copy that." Chris began, hand on his earpiece. "We'll go it alone then."

HQ began once more. "You're sitting ducks out there, Alpha. Get inside that building."

"Are these the new species HQ was warning us about?!" Chris exclaimed to himself.

"Bullets don't even phase 'em... Thus ain't our normal class of enemy!" Piers answered, running up the stairs. More J'avo rushed them, but the two quickly put to work fighting them off tactically.

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