Chapter Ten

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(This will be the last chapter)
Several little dates later, being picnics lit dimly with candlelight or finding the last standing drive-in movie theaters, the two had grown closer and closer. Piers sat in the back of the Jeep, laughing softly as Jake sighed. He'd tried putting ketchup on his plate and managed to get it on himself. Namely his face. Piers thought it was hilarious and laughed until his chest aches and lungs burned, cheeks hurting. Jake, though who torn, smiled at his boyfriends happy laughter.

It had taken Piers a while to get used to things. To overcome his trauma. Jake was there to help him when he needed. Even when he was hours away the moment Piers called him and begged him to come to him. Anything he was doing anywhere. He'd drop just for him and race to his side. And now here he was, laughing until he was sobbing.

There were times when Jake would ask Piers' mother about how Piers was when he was younger, which contrary to clichés, the baby book and his mother spoke lovingly of her son. She had shown him countless, valuable pictures of Piers through the years. She told Jake how he was shy in the beginning and slowly got out of his shell. How hard he had trained to join the BSAA and climb the ranks to be in Chris' Alpha team.

Jake blinked and saw the loving stare Piers was giving him, returning the look with a sly smirk he does. "What?" His tone was soft and quiet, making Piers' smile bigger.

"I love you." Jake's heart fluttered hearing this. They'd say it to each other frequently, but hearing his lover say it always made his chest fluttered and heart race faster. He smiled, he couldn't help it but to. He loved the goofy, dork of a man in front of him.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really." Piers laughed, inching closer in the bed of the vehicle. "I do love you."

"Well I have you beat then."

"How so?"

"Because I love you more."


"Yeahhhh~" He chuckled dryly and held Piers' face to kiss him gently. As their lips touched Piers hummed softly, smiling slightly against the other.

Piers loved how Jake kissed him. He loved the tenderness of it. The way his heart fluttered and melted. He liked the attention. Jake made him feel complete, which in truth he hadn't been. Meeting and falling in love with Jake was the best thing that could have happened to himself. He'd told himself as he shut Chris in that escape pod, that he would die alone and have no one miss him. Have no one mourn his death. Granted, he knew Chris cared and would mourn him. But who else?

Jake's hand cupping the side of his face brought him back, having him melt into his boyfriend. The moonlight shone down on them as the clouds separated in the clearing. Jake pulled away and looked lovingly at the male, smiling sweetly. "Told you." Piers laughed softly and scooted closer, leaning his body against the male's for warmth. "Gettin' cold?"

"Just a little." Piers answered softly, taking the males hand in his own and running his thumb over the back of his hand. "Can we head home?"

"Of course we can. Let's clean up." And so they did, cleaning up their moonlit picnic and getting back into the main part of the Jeep. Jake started the vehicle and wrapped his jacket around his lovers back, Piers smiling gratefully back at him. "Hope that's better for you."

"It is. It always is when you're here with me Jake."

"I'll never get tired of seeing you smile. I know that things weren't always so great in life, but I'll make sure it's better from here on out. Or at least I'll try." He spoke, placing his hand on Piers' inner thigh. And he drove them home in a calm silence.

The next morning he woke up to the sun hitting his face, he turned from it slightly look and see his lover's head nuzzles into his chest. Arm draped lazily over his stomach, Jake smiled and kissed the top of his head. He couldn't deny it. He loved this part the most. About being with him. His sleeping face was beautiful. Hell Jake had so many pictures on his phone of Piers sleeping. Or even him kissing his cheek. He loved every bit of him, from head to toe.

He heard the soft yawn from below as Piers stirred in his sleep. "Mornin'" He greeted, happily squeezing him. "Have a good sleep?"

"Always when you're around~" Piers hummed happily. He sat up and gave the ginger haired male a kiss. "You make me feel happier." He laughed shyly. "What should we have for
brea-" His mother opened the door, smiling innocently. Her smile didn't fade as she watched her son climb off of Jake, who continued to lay there innocently.

"What do you crazy kids want for breakfast?" She asked kindly. Jake sat up and turned towards the male.

"Whatever you guys want, I don't mind."


"I ah..." His eyes glanced downward, thinking. "I'm okay with anything too." That was something else Jake worked with him on. His eating habit. Eating little to nothing. He helped him fix that. She left them be and Piers whined, laying down on Jake's lap.

"That was a big step for you dear." He began gently. "I'm so proud of you."

"Oh hush." Piers smiled, looking up at him shyly. "I know."

"I'm glad to help you with things like this, and to help you open up again." He laid back and pulled Piers against his chest. "You're a very brave man, but you have your flaws. And that's okay. Because that's what makes you, you. My darling little Piers. Chris' puppy." He caught the slight glare Piers sent him, hearing that and laughed softly. "Oh you know I love you."

Piers sighed before smiling, shaking his head as he gave Jake a chaste kiss. "Oh I know, but I love you for it."

"Cool. Oh I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Wanna get married?"

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