Chapter Eight

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"Tch, maybe." Jake replied.

An hour later
Piers yawned tiredly, leaning against the side of the combat Jeep they were in. Jake was sitting across from him, arms crossed over his chest as he stared intensely at the sleeping male. He wondered how someone so traumatized and broken could sleep so trusting of the world that hurt him. He turned to Sherry, who had continued to ramble off about how happy she is that Piers is okay.

She was the only one who knew what Jake really thought about Piers. He had rambles it off to her back in the underwater bunker. He thought he'd never live long enough to confess it to Piers himself, but here he was. When he heard the news that Piers was gone it had broken him, but being the hardened mercenary he was he quickly pushed it aside and took more jobs to convince himself it didn't happen.

And when he found that newspaper his heart fluttered, knowing this was his one and only chance to tell him and if he didn't find him then? He'd lose him forever. And he was glad he'd taken that chance, found him. He sighed softly and closes his eyes, leaning the back of his head on the wall of the car.

Chris glared at Jake for the intense staring, but turned away quietly when Jake had stopped. He listened as well at the red haired male to what Sherry was saying. They had met up with Rebecca elsewhere in the city and she carefully checked over the male before explaining they'd need to bring him to a trusted doctor for the final tests.

She was sound asleep beside Piers, using the almost empty bench as a bed while the soldier who originally sat at her feet now sat on the floor, sleeping against the trunk door. The driver looked around cautiously as he drove back towards the airport, talking with some of the others in the group.


"So..." Chris answered the man.

"Where are we going next Captain?"

"For now? Home. And somewhere Piers trusts enough to have tests done. I know he's anxious about everything, but we need to make sure he's okay first."

"I'd say to give him a day, but if it's really serious it can't wait. But if he absolutely doesn't want this today or even tomorrow, don't expect me to force it on him." Jake mumbled, half asleep. His mind was focused on Piers and the way he'd found him. Bruised and fearful. How much he wanted to touch his cheek and tell him it was alright. His brow furrowed as he opened his eyes to glare at the roof of the vehicle. He didn't like feeling mushy like that. Attached. But he adored Piers.

"And who asked you?" Chris replied shortly, watching Jake roll his eyes.

"Me and myself Redfield." He answered cockily, arms still crossed over his chest.

Rebecca stirred and Chris felt a pant of regret in his chest when he thought she'd wake up. Only she turned onto her other side and continued to sleep soundly. Chris turned away from Jake and looked out of the windshield to see the airport where they arrived. As they pulled to a stop Chris got out and went to grab Piers. Jake gingerly scooped the brunette into his arms bridal style and carried him to the helicopter, leaning him into a seat and buckling him and himself in.

Chris grit his teeth, but for Piers he let it go as he scooped up Rebecca and brought her to the helicopter. The other sleeping soldier was woken up and guided to the metal bird and once everyone was settled in their seats or on the floor asleep once more they took off and began the journey back to their main base of operations.

Few days later
The brunette haired male had been placed in a hospital room and thoroughly checked out. Which turned the truth of his abuse to everyone. There was no rape. He was saved from that. But his ribs were broken and right ankle fractured. He was covered in lacerations and cuts and bruises on every inch of his body. Even his face hadn't been spared of the bruises and scratches.

He looked around the room coyly as his eyes landed on his family, who all slept soundly around him. He wished he could have met them again under different circumstances. His heart aches seeing how distraught they were and how horrified they had been. His eyes landed on Jake, who stared back at him with softened eyes.

"Hello..." He had whispered out shyly, voice hoarse from the torture he had endured.

Jake got up and approached the bed, sitting down on Piers left side. This was the side that less ribs had been broken. Jake took the males hand in his own and squeezes it. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

"W-Water." He answered and Jake handed him the glass, helping guide it to the brunette's lips. Chris entered the room without knocking and saw this interaction. His stared quietly, brow furrowed in both curiosity and confusion. Didn't Jake hate Piers? Didn't Piers hate Jake? What was going on? He cleared his throat and caught the half glare Jake sent him as he set the near empty glass of water on the nightstand.

"Need anything else?" He asked, watching Piers think before shaking his head. "Alright." Jake got up and sat in a chair next to the bed, looking at Chris. "What do you want Redfield?"

"What's going on here?" Chris asked instantly. He saw the shyness emitting from Piers.

"I helped him drink water you bozo, what did you think was happening?" Chris glared at him until he saw the amusement cross over the other male's face. (Being Piers). He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I mean in general dumbass. You won't leave his side for even two seconds. And don't call me the bozo you hoser. Go take a fucking shower you stink." Jake looked at Piers for protection, but saw the same amusement Chris had previously. Which brought a smile to his face that Chris saw instantly. "You like him don't you?"

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