The Welcoming Committee

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The welcome sight of the dirt airstrip ahead was still a challenge for Aiden. Engine number two had long since given up the ghost and keeping Miss Edna aloft and on track with the use of only one engine was not only nerve-wracking, but a true test of his piloting skills and physical endurance. With plumes of thick, oily, black smoke spewing out of the engine cowl, a wobbly Miss Edna served up a rough landing, but any landing you can walk away from...

They taxied over to the lone hanger, quickly shut her down, and jumped out to get a better look. Standing in the shadows of the open hangar was what appeared to be the resident mechanic. Stepping away from his beat-up Cessna, he slowly wiped his greasy hands while suspiciously eyeing his new and uninvited guests. He was a big guy, massively big guy with rather garish features but the hope was that he spoke at least some English.

"Aye mate, are you a sight for sore eyes! Don't know how, but you just popped up in the nick of time." Aiden shot a look at John. "Where exactly are we?"

Dead silence. The mechanic stood motionless, staring at them.

"Well then. Seems we lost oil pressure and started burnin' what was left. Just a clogged line maybe?" Aiden suggested. "If I could just borrow that crescent wrench for-"

Without a word, the mechanic dropped his wrench, turned, and walked towards the back office in the rear of the hanger. Aiden looked at John. "Fun guy." Who pissed in his cornflakes?"

He reached down to pick up the wrench and noticed that John was standing wide-eyed, motionless- almost frozen.

"What?" Aiden asked. "What?" Staring towards the back of the hanger John spoke carefully.

"A couple of nights ago...something happened. A guy who looked just like Mr. Happy here... he, ughh..."

Aiden could sense John's reluctance. His eyes narrowed as he waited for John to continue.

"Ahh, this is nuts...I don't even believe..."

"Try me," Aiden quickly shot back.

"He came at me, in the dark and just as he was gettin' ready to land one on me..." John hesitated. "He got sucked up into thin air. Vanished! Gone! Just like that!" he said, snapping his finger. "I know this sounds absolutely nuts-"

"Does this end with you on your back?"

"Yeah! Yeah, it did- how'd you know?" Aiden grimaced and turned his attention to the oil-spattered engine.

"How did you know?" John asked again.

"Jump in the cockpit, lad."

Silently proceeding with the repair all the while shooting glances at John, Aiden signaled him to try and start it. The engine cranked and surprisingly fired up. A tad rough at first but it was running. Off in the distance, an olive drab military transport appeared at the edge of the tree line and was approaching them at a good clip.

"Somebody's in a hurry," muttered Aiden. He motioned for John to stay put. John slid the left cockpit window open.

"Bad time to ask, but what are we carrying?"

Aiden raised an eyebrow. "Rule number one- no names. Rule number two- never open the package."

Excitedly pointing and wagging his finger at Aiden, "! Frank Martin. Transporter! I love that movie! But really, what-"

Holding his finger to his lips Aiden's gaze narrowed. "Veeeery important stuff- top, top secret. Guard it with your life!"

"Hey, we are not done yet," John reminded him. "How did you know?"

John Frum The Reluctant MessiahWhere stories live. Discover now