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At the top of the last bend, the road flattened and ran for a mile or so before disappearing into a large tunnel, with a small pedestrian section running alongside it. He continued to walk along, admiring the view down over the village and the factory, out along the range of mountains. He was as conscious as he could be of not walking too close to the edge- and then he reached the tunnel.

Both the tunnel for the cars and the one for pedestrians were dark.

In the traffic tunnel, he could just about make out the light of the far side peeking in.

In the pedestrian tunnel, the only light he could see came from a wide grin, and the pearly white eyes of the creature.

Little John, it said, stretching its head up to the edge of the tunnel. So there are other people up the mountain. People a bit more like you. Very good, but that changes nothing, John. And Gary, just because he's a bit more like himself, it doesn't mean he's not losing interest, getting frustrated. Don''t you think it would be easier to just end your doubts forever?

'I'm fine, thanks,' John said, turning on his torch.

You think you're fine because you talk to a postman and a woman, do you?

'I want to see the far side of this tunnel,' he answered.

He took a step forward, and the creature moved a step back.

It's too much John. Everyone would understand. Out here, isolated, alone, they would understand if you came into the forest with me-

'I'm not really alone though, am I? I've got Gary. And those people seemed nice. And soon enough, we'll have the money for a second car, and I'll be able to go to the city when I want. This is just temporary.'

And if it isn't?

'And if it is?'

John was standing in front of the creature now, not looking at it. He put a hand out, ready to push it aside, knowing that the hand would not connect. He stepped into the space where the creature had been, and suddenly it was ahead of him, further into the tunnel.

What if Gary leaves you? What if you lose your job? What if you're stuck out here, in the middle of nowhere? What if the wifi doesn't work? There's an easy answer-

He passed through the creature, and this time, it stayed standing behind him. The light at the end of the tunnel was clearly visible.

You'll regret not taking me up on my offer, it writhed, slithing and slithering behind him. You'll come back to me. You'll see.

'Maybe,' John said. 'But I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.'

I'll be here, John.



You'll see; you'll be back.

John stepped out into the light at the far side of the tunnel.

The mountain sloped downward.

Far below him, he could see another village, spread out much wider. A long street. Hundreds of little houses. Wooden cabins splattered around one of the close-by mountains. Ski lines, running up and down it. A large dome that appeared to be some kind of swimming pool, and what looked like tennis courts alongside it.

He took a deep breath, and started to make his way down.

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