viii. i like you too, mike.

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              𝐄𝐋 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐃, As they walked in, they found El throwing a small piece of the Mindflayer, marking a unique and somewhat disturbing sight

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𝐄𝐋 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐃, As they walked in, they found El throwing a small piece of the Mindflayer, marking a unique and somewhat disturbing sight. Marice Rivera, Kylie's aunt, had joined the adventure alongside Hopper, Joyce, and the Russian named Alexei. Marice's role was crucial, not only as a lawyer aiding children but also as a valuable ally in their unfolding predicament.

Jackie was tired, feeling the weight of the challenges they faced. All she wanted was a break and a good night's sleep, something she hadn't had in a week. As exhaustion took over, Jackie laid her head on Mike's shoulder once again as they gathered to make a plan.

"The Mindflayer built this monster in Hawkins to stop El, Jackie, and me, to kill us and pave a way into our world," Kylie explained. "And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it."

"How big is this thing?" Hopper asked with a grave expression. "It's big. Thirty feet, at least," Jonathan informed him, emphasizing the immense size of the creature they were up against. "Yeah, it sorta destroyed your cabin," Lucas reluctantly added to Hopper, who looked at him with a mix of surprise and disbelief.

"Sorry," Lucas murmured, sensing the weight of his unintentional revelation. Jackie couldn't help but chuckle weakly, finding an odd moment of humor in the midst of the serious discussion about the colossal threat they faced.

"Okay, so, just to be clear, this... this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El, it's some kind of gigantic... weapon?" Steve questioned, seeking confirmation. Nancy nodded in response, affirming, "Yes."

"But instead of, like screws and metal, the Mindflayer made it's weapon... with melted people."

"Yes, exactly."

"Yeah, okay. I— Yeah, I'm just making sure."

"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Marice questioned. "El and Kylie beat the shit out of it, but, yeah, it's still alive."

"But if we close the gate again," Will started, Max nodding in agreement with the direction of his theory. "We cut the brain off from the body," she continued. "And kill it. Theoretically," Lucas added. Joyce sighed, agape at the potential solution.

"Yoo—hoo!" A voice interrupted their thoughts. They all turned to see Murray waving his hands in the air, holding blueprints. The unexpected entrance added a touch of quirkiness to the intense atmosphere as they awaited Murray's contribution to the plan.

                𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 food court tables to see Murray's plan. "Okay, this is what Alexsi called The Hub. Now, the hub takes us to the vault room." Murray explained.

𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐅𝐓| Mike Wheeler [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FIVE]Where stories live. Discover now