xi. superpowers

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As they handed Eddie some supplies, the group took a moment to share more details about Jackie's intricate backstory, providing Eddie and Elliana with a glimpse into the complex web of events that led them to this point

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As they handed Eddie some supplies, the group took a moment to share more details about Jackie's intricate backstory, providing Eddie and Elliana with a glimpse into the complex web of events that led them to this point. Amidst the revelations, they disclosed that Vecna's curse had claimed another victim, Nancy's partner for the school newspaper, Fred Murphy.

The group gathered at the trailer park, the air heavy with the gravity of recent events. Eddie sought clarification, voicing the pressing question that lingered in everyone's minds. "You're saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it's from the Upside Down?" Eddie questioned, his eyes reflecting a mix of disbelief and concern as he grappled with the surreal and ominous nature of the threats they faced.

Jackie hummed in acknowledgment, nodding slowly while crossing her arms over her chest. "If the shoe fits," she replied with a hint of determination, acknowledging the grim reality they faced and expressing her readiness to confront the challenges ahead.

"Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse," Mike informed his sister, a touch of seriousness in his tone. He grabbed onto Jackie's hand, and they exchanged soft smiles, finding support in each other. Jackie observed Max wearing a thoughtful expression.

"Now, whether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don't know," Jackie added, shrugging while Mike nodded in agreement. Max sighed, "All we know is this is something different," emphasizing the uncertainty and gravity of the situation they found themselves in.

"Something new," Dustin acknowledged with a nod. "Doesn't make sense," Steve muttered, his gaze shifting to Nancy, who wore a knowing expression. "It's only a theory," Dustin added, injecting a note of caution into the discussion, emphasizing that their understanding of Vecna's actions remained speculative and uncertain.

Nancy raised an eyebrow, casting doubt on the seemingly random victims. "No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, why them?" she questioned, her curiosity prompting a frown from Jackie.

"Maybe they were just in the wrong place?" Mike suggested, attempting to provide a simple explanation. Nancy responded with an eye roll directed at her brother. "No, Mike, that's not it," she argued, injecting a bit of sass into her tone. Mike huffed, revealing the ongoing tension between their differing perspectives on the situation.

The room was filled with a palpable energy of theories and debates, each member of the group trying to unravel the enigma of Vecna's targets and motives. The mystery hung in the air, intensifying the urgency of their quest for answers.


"Nance, Mike might be right; they were both at the game and near the trailer park," Steve interjected, earning yet another eye roll from Nancy. She then turned to Jackie, seeking her input. "What do you think? You are from the lab and know more about this stuff," Nancy asked, placing the weight of her experience on Jackie's shoulders.

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