Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Deacons scream knocks me out of my thoughts. I look at him, his smile and laugh following his scream from being pushed on the swing set.

His scream filled with excitement and joy. We are currently at the park around the corner from the packs house. We've been here for 25 minutes spending time together while I clear my head.

"Higher mummy! Higher!" He yells so loud the mums sitting in the chair across from us look over and smile. I push him just a little higher, not to high that he doesn't fall off. He squeals again making me laugh at how cute he is. It doesn't take long until deacon gets restless. Guess it's time to head back and face my problems head on..

20 minutes later!

"What do you mean nothing happened!? You walked out with a different scent and your hair messed up and you expect me to believe that nothing happened?" I all but yell at Harrison while he tries to explain. I should let him explain himself but I can't bring myself to listen to yet another excuse that he makes up.

"Please! Please just let me explain Kimberly. Nothing happened! I had just gotten out of the shower and that's when I seen her laying on my bed. I told her to leave but she came up and started kissing me but I promise I pushed her off that's why her scent was all over me! And my hair was messy because I used a hair dryer and hadn't brushed it afterwards. Please you have to believe me!"

Harrison looks as if he's just about in tears and honestly it tears my heart apart but if I hadn't of forgiven him so easily there would be nothing to tear apart.

So, as I stand here acting like I wasn't hurting and he stands in front of me with pain written all over his face a tear slips down the left side of my face and that's when I lose control. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones but I wouldn't change the feeling of Harrison walking up to me and pulling me in his arms. Comforting me in a way that no one else ever could. I broke down and I know I would regret being so weak in front of him but I really need him.

"I just don't want to get hurt again!" I sobbed into his chest, dampening his shirt with tears.

"I promised you Kimmy that I'm here with you till the end now! Nothing will make me hurt you anymore than I already have." I looked into his eyes to see if he's telling the truth.

The look he was giving me made my insides melt. His tone was full of truthfulness along with the look in his eyes.

I lean closer towards Harrison. Meeting him halfway Harrison places his lips on mine and the Sparks immediately fly. After a few heated minutes I pull away grabbing Harrison's hand and leading him towards my room. Pausing at the door I turn around a smash my lips against his again. Causing him to be shocked until he equally kissed back. Without breaking the kiss I open the door and lead him to the bed. We lay down and continue making out. I lift his shirt up and over his head.

Harrison stops kissing my pulling his lips away from mine while breathing heavy.

"We should stop. I don't want to rush into anything, we might hurt the baby." He's right. My hormones are going wild because of the pregnancy and I don't want to do anything I'll regret later.

"Your right I'm sorry." I look away from him. Feeling embarrassed.

"Don't be. I want to be with you but I want to do it right this time. Go slow."

"I understand." I give him a slight smile and just lay there while Harrison puts his shirt back on.

He lays down with me and we just talk about everything. What happened when I ran away, how I became a good fighter within a few months and how I took finding out I was pregnant. Just laid there until I got to tired to stay awake. I fell asleep in his arms loving the way this felt.

Wanting this to be an everyday thing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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