Chapter 10

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Harrison’s pov

I stood there checking my phone when I felt Kimberly’s gaze looking at me. I look up and notice that she is checking me out which makes me smirk but as soon as I see what she’s wearing my mouth drops. She is stunning! I don’t know how I got lucky enough to have her as my mate. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to go to Hilary straight after our night together. She was currently wearing a nice black dress that flowed out and reached just above her knees. I look up at her to see that’s she’s hidden her face by her hair and has a deep crimson blush on her cheeks. Which makes me chuckle.

“You look beautiful as always.” I tell her honestly.


“Shall we go?”

She nods in reply and we head towards my car. I open the door for her and wait for her to get seated then close the door behind her. I jump in the driver’s side and start the car, pulling out of the drive way and a comfortable yet slightly awkward silence spreads. I look over towards where she’s sitting and smile slightly. I shift my gaze back towards the road and keep driving.

“Where are we going?” I smile at her again. I hope she likes where we’re going. It’s our first date after all.

“It’s a surprise.” She looks at me with a slight frown, pouting. Making her looks cute.

“But I don’t like surprises.” I almost cave in and tell her with how adorable she looks.

“It wouldn’t be any fun if it wasn’t a surprise.” I smirk at her with playfulness. She puffs out her cheeks and looks away, to anyone else it would look like she’s angry but I can see the slight smile that’s tugging at her lips. I keep driving past trees and a few shops and then more trees, pulling onto a dirt road. I follow the dirt road while Kimberly gazes out the window, eager to know where we are. Parking the car near a few trees I turn the car off and jump out and open Kimberly’s door for her. I grab a bag from the back of the car and lock it, turning towards Kimberly.

“We aren’t here yet. It’s just above that hill up there.” I said pointing towards a hill just ahead of us.

“I hope this isn’t one of those movie scenes where the boy takes the girl into the woods and kills her.” She said with playfulness while walking.

“Definitely. How’d you guess?”  I smirk at her so she’d know I was joking and she gasps in fake horror.

“Oh no! Is the big bad wolf going to kill an innocent little girl?” This makes me laugh. She’s so cute when she’s like this, having a good conversation without yelling.

“Aren’t I the one that’s supposed to save the ‘little girl’ from any danger? I’ll be the prince and you can be the princess and ill save you.” I grin at her as she blushes from my words and the rest of the walk was filled with a comfortable silence. All awkwardness from before forgotten.

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