Chapter 8 - Edited

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Harrison's POV

**Night Before**

"I know what I did to you was wrong and I regret it, but if you'll let me I want to be there for you. Even if you have to take care of Deacon. I want to help you."

She looks at me as if contemplating whether I'm telling the truth or playing her again. Honestly, I don't blame her.

"I don't want to get hurt again. When I left, I had to take care of myself and learn how to fight, to live. I'm not the same weak girl that you think I am. I'm a lot stronger and I will prove it to you."

There was such emotion laced in her words; hurt, determination. I can't believe I put her through all that stuff. I really do regret it and I will try my best to make it up to her.

After our conversation and her saying that I better not screw up 'coz this is my last chance, I kiss her cheek goodnight and to my satisfaction her cheeks flare up with a gorgeous blush. At least she feels the sparks that run straight through our bodies as soon as we touch. I hold on to that as my hope and inspiration. I head up to my room for a shower. Walking into the joined bathroom connected to my room, I strip off my clothes and turn the water on hot. As soon as I step into the shower the water relaxes my muscles. I wash my hair and step back out wrapping a towel around my torso and walking back to my room. I pull on a pair of boxers and slip into bed welcoming the darkness.


I wake up with a loud noise, loud enough to scare the shit out of me and fall straight on the floor causing me to bump my head.

"What the fuck?!" I mutter to myself and storm out of the room.

What I see makes me stop in my tracks. Kimberly was laughing on the ground with Deacon beside her. I smile slightly before I figure a plan to get her back. I smirk and plant on a fake glare when she looks up. Kim says something to Deacon and they both start running down the stairs and towards the front door. I chase after them and just as Kimberly was about to run out the door I grab her and pull her to the ground with me lying on top of her.

"You think that was funny?" I fake glare at her while she looks at me innocently.

"What do you mean Alpha?" She flutters her eyelashes, but instead of looking cute like every other time, she looks like she had dirt in her eyes. Strangely, I found it attractive. Anything she does I find attractive.

"You know exactly what I mean. You woke everyone up with a blow horn." I smirk at her.

She looks down, probably just noticing our position, then looks up at me nervously. Yep, defiantly noticed our position. Which by the way, it's pretty hard trying to control my wolf at the moment as he wants to mark her right now.

"Uh-umm I made breakfast for everyone and yo-you were all asleep?" It's cute how she stutters. I smirk at her one more time before jumping up and pulling her with me.

"Well in that case, let's go!"

We head for the kitchen where everyone was already eating. I notice Samantha beside Angus and that they are in a small conversation smiling at each other. I'm glad they sorted everything out. Now I just have to sort everything out between Kim and I. Sammy looks over at Kim and tells her that Deacon is in the lounge-room and I see her practically running off. I chuckle at her cuteness and turn towards the table to get something to eat when I find the pack members staring at me.

"What?" I ask, but instead of replying they just shake their heads and turn back towards their food, eating up the last of it and standing up to put their dishes in the sink.

Everyone leaves but Sammy and Angus, so I turn towards them and ask what's up.

"You and Kim seemed a bit close this morning. What changed?" Sammy was the one to speak.

"We spoke last night and I apologised and said that I would be the mate she deserves. I am really going to try." I guess I had a look of determination on my face as they nodded.

"Just don't stuff this up. She's been through so much and she can't go through it again." This time it was Angus to speak up.

"I know. Anyways I'm going to get changed and head down to the hall where the meeting will be set up. It starts in an hour so make sure the pack knows to be there." With that I stand up, placing my plate in the sink and head upstairs to get ready.


Kimberley's POV

After watching cartoons for a while with Deacon, I take him upstairs to get ready for the meeting. Because he's so young I'll have to take him and keep him with me as I still don't trust my old pack. I put some of the clothes that Annie had brought up last night on Deacon.

"I'm just going to change in the bathroom, I'll be back soon okay honey?" I ask, making sure he's okay with it.


I walk off towards the bathroom, grabbing a tank top and a pair of jeans on the way, and quickly change after I closed the door. I look in the mirror and noticed my baby bump has grown a lot. Just enough so that if you look at it you can see a bump, but people may just think I've been eating more and gaining weight. I walk back out of the bathroom and Deacon looks at my belly.

"What's in your belly?" He asks curiously.

I walk over to him and lift up my shirt a little to show him. "It's a baby sweetheart. There's a tiny little girl or boy in there." I rub my belly and Deacon places in hands on top of mine.

"Will it come out soon?" He asks with a curious smile while staring at where our hands are.

"Yes, very soon. And you can play with him/her." His smile grows bigger and he places a kiss on my stomach, which brings tears to my eyes knowing that he understands and cares.

"I'm going to play with the baby all the time. We can play with cars." Then he jumps up and tells me to come downstairs.

I pick him up and carry him to the hall where the meeting will be held. Everyone is already there so I just walk in and place Deacon with Sammy telling him that I will come back soon. Before I could walk away Sammy stops me and whispers in my ear.

"Are you sure you want to tell everyone you're pregnant? You can tell with that shirt on." She looks at my shirt, then back up to me.

I look down and notice I didn't put a jumper on to cover my bump and start to panic. I don't know if I'm 100% sure ready to tell others yet. I look at Sammy.

"I'm not sure. I forgot a jumper." I say in a panicky whisper.

She starts to take hers off and hands me it. I thank her and put the hoodie on, walking towards the stage. When I get up there everyone stops talking and stares at me. Waiting for me to talk. On the side Harrison is standing there watching me carefully as I start to speak.

"Hello everyone, I'm sure you all remember me from before I ran away. I've called this meeting because there is something I've got to tell you."

I look over at Kinsley and Sammy and they nod their approval at me.

"Before I ran away most of you would abuse me and when I got rejected from my mate at school I ran out of the school gates and shifted into my wolf. To everyone here, shifting would be normal. But I'm different. Since I was little I could shift into my wolf, which isn't normal. Or, so I thought until I met Sam and Kins from my new family. You see, I'm a white wolf just like they are. Each white wolf has a power to help stop the hunters attack. This will be happening soon. So I would like to get you all trained and ready. Mothers with children will be keeping the children safe while the others fight."

By the time I'm finished everyone is gobsmacked, with their mouths hanging open in shock.

"Training will start tomorrow so meet in the backyard after breakfast." I walk down towards Sammy and Kins and they both give me a hug. Then I grab Deacon and walk back to the house. As I open the door and step inside I bump into someone. Hillary.


Now I have to deal with the pack's whore.


Another Chapter. I hope yous like it. Also this chapter was edited by allieraebaby it would be amaing if you could check her out. Let me know what you think in the comments and by voting. Until next time...

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