Chapter 1- Meeting the 'perfect' mate.

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Meeting the 'Perfect Mate'

Darkness, that's all I could see. Running through the woods with someone chasing you isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world. Especially when it’s him. I thought I would never see him again but turns out I was wrong. I kept running, running till I couldn't breathe then stopped. I looked around for him but he was gone. Couldn't see him anywhere. I sighed a huge relief and started to run again towards home. Just as I turned a corner he grabbed me. I started to scream for help but he covered my mouth with a cloth. I started to see stars everywhere and then I blacked out.

I woke up gasping for breath. Phew! It was just a dream. I was covered in sweat from head to toe. Even my blankets were covered. I looked over at my phone to see it was 6.45am. Crap! I have forty-five minutes to have a shower and cook everyone breakfast. Being Angus' sister and him being the Alpha-to-be's best friend I have to cook everyone’s breakfast and dinner, while do their homework. Yay for me! (Note the Sarcasm.) I quickly rose from the bed and had a world record shower of 5 minutes. Racing downstairs I pushed open the kitchen door and started to cook pancakes and bacon. I made freshly squeezed orange juice and placed them on the table just as everyone started to walk in the kitchen. When everyone was seated I walked to my room to change for school. After placing on skinny jeans, a baggy shirt and tying my long brown hair in a ponytail I walked out of the house before anyone could say anything to me. Walking to school by yourself should be peaceful. Not for me. When the pack drives past I get called names or if not get stuff thrown at me. It was different this time to not have anything done to me today. It’s probably because it’s the soon-to-be Alphas birthday and girls are practically throwing themselves at him hoping to be his mate. As a werewolf everyone shifts at seventeen but I first shifted at fourteen. I'm not sure why though and I haven't told anyone, that would make things worse. So whenever I get time I run to the woods and shift. When I shift it makes me feel free, alive and unstoppable. It’s the only time I get to myself. So I make sure I cherish it by not telling anyone.

When I arrive at school others push me and chuck my books in the bin. I would fight back but as soon as I find my mate I'm out of here. I make it past the first two classes and head to lunch. I hang out on the oval away from everyone where I can be left alone. As I walk out the doors towards the oval I bump into someone and feel tingles shoot up my arm.

"Mate!" I whisper, surprised by the happiness that fills me. Until I look up at him.

"Harrison, no it can’t be. I wasn't supposed to get you as a mate!" Tears fill my eyes and I stare at his shocked expression.

"Just because were mates it doesn't mean I have to accept you." He says with disgust.

I turned around and run, run from everything. Why me? Why can’t I be accepted? When I make it home I run straight to my room and collapse on my bed and let the tears fall. After what felt like ages I sobered up and wiped my face of the dryed tears. I went for a shower and pulled my pajamas on when the door opened and in walked Harrison. My so called mate.

"What do you want?" I practically threw at him with as much hate as I could find.

"You didn’t let me finish at school earlier, I do want you and I want you now." To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"W-what?" I managed to choke out. He moved closer to me shutting the door. His Brown eyes staring deeply into my green eyes.

"I said I want you and I will get you, now." It made me scared of his determination. He walked up to me placing his hands on either side of my face and kissed me fiercely. It was better than I ever could imagine. My first kiss was with my mate. Although I knew it was going to turn out bad I couldn’t find myself to stop. I was too caught up in the moment to realize we were pressed together on the bed with him ripping the last piece of clothing off. Next thing I know I feel a shooting pain between my legs and realize he took my virginity. But I didn’t mind at the time because he was my mate and he even said that he wanted me. After what felt like hours we fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was the first night without those dreadful dreams.
I woke up sore and happy for once glad to get to school. I rolled over to see that Harrison has already left, probably at school. I did my normal routine and left with a smile on my face. My brother looked at me like I was a freak but I ignored him and raced to school. As I headed through the front doors what I saw made me stop in my place. Harrison stood, with the head cheerleader up against the lockers practically eating her face. I had tears forming in my eyes but I wouldn’t let them fall until I was away from this place. Last night was too good to be true. He finally noticed my presence and looked over with a grin on his face. I walked up to him and slapped him across the face hard. He looked shocked for a minute until the anger took over, but before he could say or do anything, I jumped in.

"You’re a lying bastard you know that! Is what you said last night true!? I hate you! I will always hate you! But after this you will never have to deal with me again. I Kimberly-Anne Reynolds Reject you Harrison Isaac as my mate!" I was so angry by this point I could feel my wolf wanting control. Before he could say anything I ran out the door. I shifted when I was near the woods and just before I was out of sight I looked back to find Harrison, Angus and two others standing at the schools entrance, with their mouths hanging open in shock. So much for keeping my wolf a secret, I thought. Oh well, they don’t have to deal with me anymore. I turned back around and ran towards the pack house. After packing my bags I wrote a quick note to my brother and left. For good.


I tried being the sister you always wanted. The sister you once loved when Mum and Dad was here. I should’ve died with them. Everything would’ve been easier then. I’m leaving the pack and not coming back so you’ve got your wish. Have a nice life! P.S tell my mate he can have skanky-pants 'coz that’s the best he’s going to get... Kimberly x


A/N Got the first chapter up. Yay. It took a while but it was fun. Let me know what you think. <3

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