Chapter 5

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Kinsley’s p.o.v

Walking down the stairs I see my sister crying on the bottom of the staircase. Worried, I walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder.

“What’s wrong Sammy? Did someone hurt you?” If Harrison or anyone had hurt her they’ll be dealing with me. No-one hurts my baby sister. No-one!!

She mustn’t have noticed that I was there because at the sound of my voice she stopped crying and turned to me, wiping away her tears. “N-No-one, It’s just…I don’t know what to do Kins. I want to be with him but he hurt Kimberly, and I’m scared that I’ll get hurt. I can’t go through with that again not after my last relationship.” By the end of her rant she had started crying again. I now knew what she was talking about. Her mate. But how had he hurt Kimberly. Sam’s mate can’t be Harrison, he’s Kimmy's mate.

“Your mate. Who is it Sammy?”

“It’s her brother he never wanted Kimmy as a sister so he wouldn’t want me as a mate.” Now I understood.  Angus is Kimberly’s brother. From what I’ve heard he treated her just as bad as Harrison. I pulled Sam into a hug.

“Just talk to him. Tell him what you told me. He never knew Harrison was her mate. You can tell he regrets what he’s done. Give him a chance to explain as well. Things will work out.” I hope I’m right. If he hurts her ill kill him myself. I stood up and kept walking down the stairs, leaving Sam to think about what I said.

Walking into the kitchen I find Harrison leaning against the sink. I walk up to him and grab his shirt. He turned around with an angry look on his face. “You leave Kim alone! You’ve broken her heart once do you really want to do that again. I mean it don’t go near her again.”

“What do you think you’re doing? You’re on my territory mutt you do what I say or ill kick you out!” He sounded a bit pissed. Oh well.

“I would be all too happy to leave this territory but you need us don’t you?” I was almost smiling by now I had him and he knew it. I didn’t see it coming but by the time I did it was too late. He had punched me. I went to throw another punch at him but a scream tore through the kitchen.

“Not again.”

Kimberly’s p.o.v

I woke up screaming. I had the same dream again. I know what the dreams mean now. After having certain dreams for a few months I had gotten the time to research. White wolves have a special power; turns out I see the future in my dreams. Having to tell the future in my dreams makes it feel more realistic. I know he’s coming for me just not when. It scares me to know he’s still alive after what he’s done and now he’s coming after me. Just then the door swung open and a rushed Kinsley came in with a worried looking Harrison. “Don’t pretend you’re worried, Harrison. Just leave.” A look of regret came across his face for a few seconds then went back to normal. He didn’t move just stood there. Kinsley came over to the bed and wrapped me in his arms. “Same one?” he asked.

“Yeah, more often now. I’m worried.” I wasn’t worried for my safety but my babies. I know I only just found out but I love him/her already and feel protective of my child. I know Harrisons the father and everything but I’m not ready to tell him. Without noticing I placed a hand on my stomach and rubbed then realized what I was doing, in front of Harrison and pulled my hand away. I looked over to him, luckily he didn’t notice. But Kinsley did.

“It’s okay we will protect you when the time comes.” I moved his eyes down to my stomach to let me know he was also talking about my baby. I smiled at him to let him know I was grateful.

“Protect her from what! No-one’s going to hurt her! And why did she scream. What’s happening?” Harrison sound angry and possessive now. This made me angry.

“Haven’t you hurt me enough? You have no right to ask what’s going on in my life when you ruined most of it!”

“You’re my mate. Of course I have a right!” I stood up from the bed and walked up to him. I know I shouldn’t go near him. It’s hard enough now to not jump him, he smells so good.

“You lost that right the moment you rejected me.” Then I walked out and downstairs towards the woods.

Harrison’s p.o.v

I know I lost the right that’s why it hurts so much. I really do regret everything that I’ve done but I can’t take it back. Otherwise I would but I can’t be with her because I know ill hurt her again. I’m going to breakup with Hilary, she cheats on me anyway. There’s something Kimberly is hiding from me and I will find out if it’s the last thing I do.


its short i know, but im not supposed to be on here :( ill try and make the next chapter longer though. Enjoy xx

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