Radio Silence (Female Version)

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The silence was crippling.

You had never liked the quiet, it was too eerie, too empty, but the silence meant that every beat of the heart rate monitor filled the room to bursting, a constant staccato that reminded you of the almost-lost beating of a heart that meant more than the world to you.

Every time you managed to drift off, you heard the beeping turn into a monotone drawl, making you jolt awake on the cold floor that had become your workbench while your fiancé recovered in his hospital bed.

You heard your name on the radio two days after the demon invasion ended, you were sitting on the floor of the medbay by the beeping machines that maintained the coma Flynn had been under since his heart stopped, rough blueprints spread out in front of you like bazaar flowers to some dying bouquet.

' Have you seen that video of the engineer out on the firing strip?'

'Dude, if anyone hasn't seen that then they should re-evaluate what they do with their spare time.'

'I know, I have never seen anyone look so much like a real superhero.'

'There's this frame that they took from that video, this person is just standing there alone on that metal platform, huge tool bag in hand, staring at the sun coming through the clouds. Dude, in the picture it's like a red glass statue is standing there, with all that demon blood? Come ON man, that's a sick picture.'

'And that shot? From that fucking mounted gun? That was a nice shot, the accuracy over the distance is insane.'

'Dude I know, we've actually been trying to find out who this is, but no one can get an interview from the source, according to all the other workers through, this picture has one of the key designers for almost all of the armistice in it; like we didn't know it, but this one person probably saved all of our lives.'

'Yo! Imagine being able to say you like, know or work with that badass!'

'Imagine getting that first interview!'

They went on to theorize where you had gone, if you were dead or not, what you would say when they caught you for an interview.

"Vega, turn off the radio."

Immediately, the broadcast clicked off.

"Perhaps you would rather listen to something more relaxing."

Soft music began to play though the air, gentle as it rose and fell like patterns of rain across the ground.

"When he was alone, the Slayer often thought of you, he liked this piece in particular."

You stiffened. Eyes flickering to where your fiancé sat in his hospital bed.

"What? No Blood for the Monarchs?"

"That too, but it felt rather inappropriate to play at a time like this."

You let out a weak guffaw of laughter.

"Turn it off Vega." You had listened to a lot of music with him; metal, classical, even his own reckless shredding on the bass or guitar.

He had tried to teach you, but you were hopeless with music; though you hadn't given up, you were sure that he liked you to play for the comedy of it all rather than the hope that you would actually be able to nail a riff.

The robot hesitated, but the music still played on.

" Please Vega." you were begging him. "Just turn it off!"

Rip and Tear (Into my A**):(Doomguy X reader)Where stories live. Discover now