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❪ ⤿ ⁺ ̥˚ 💌┃₊ '11 : 'ᨏ ، ❍ ⑅ ˚  ༘₊

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❪ ⤿ ⁺ ̥˚ 💌┃₊ '11 : 'ᨏ ، ❍ ⑅ ˚ ༘
₊ . . ⇢ ₍ chapter eleven ¡¡ ₎* °🌹 
—motivational speeches˚ ༘ 🤍
، ₊˚ *.᭣᭫ᥫ᭡ :: ❛  𝒊 like you better
the way you are ❜

"the match is over! stop!" your teacher called out again, and your felt your quirk being erased, the bolt you were about to shoot dissipating in your hands. with a sigh, you pulled yourself to your feet.

fighting against todoroki was rather hard. he was good at offense and defense, and while you needed time to allow power to accumulate before you could shoot your solidified energy bolts at anyone, todoroki did not. he knew this, and didn't give you time to breathe, launching ice shards larger than your head without pause.

you werent easily defeated though, and you had managed to start blasting the ice shards aside with multiple small shots generated for seconds at a time and get up close, the energy in your hands crackling as you geared up for your signature blast, but your teacher had called the end of the match.

your eyes were downcast, and you didn't notice the hand your classmate had extended to you until a couple seconds after.

"it was a good match." todoroki said, and you shook his hand with a polite smile.

the smile stayed on your face the rest of the day, and by the time you had waved your hand to your classmates goodbye, you were just about ready to collapse where you stood. with a sigh, you turned to walk to the park. you didn't feel like going home just yet.

it was stupid. why did a lost match against todoroki bother you so much? it's not like you expected to win, not when your opponent was the son of the second ranked hero in japan. your quirk was hard enough to wrangle into controlled blasts, you couldn't expect to have beaten him.

taking the chance to walk at a leisurely pace, you tucked your hands behind your head and looked up at the sky. the afternoon sun bore down on your face, showering you in its warmth, and you squinted up at the ball of light above you.

a dark object covered your view, and your eyes refocused to make out the shape of a hand, whose arm you followed to find it belonged to bakugo.

"hey." your hands dropped from where they were and you mentally prepared yourself to smile again. puffing your cheeks out, you flashed him a small grin. "whats up?"

he didn't say anything. his facial expression was rather sour, as if he had eaten a lemon, and he only pursed his lips further as he continued to stare at you.

"what?" you repeated. "something on my face?"

"it's nothing." he finally unfroze and began walking again, but the look of displeasure did not leave his features.

the knock on your window alerts you to his presence, and you place your bookmark in the book you had open at your desk.

"you know, letting yourself in kind of defeats the whole purpose of knocking," you comment, standing before your bed and falling eagle spread onto it.

you can't see him, but you can tell he's rolling his eyes. "that's the last time i try to be considerate, dumbass." 

you stifle a laugh as the bed sinks on your right side, indicating he laid down beside you. "you're far from considerate, blondie."

he huffs. rolling onto your stomach to rest your chin in your hands, you kick your feet in the air like a child. "but don't worry," you reach out to poke his cheek. "i like you better the way you are."

"like me, huh?" he turns his face to the side to look at you. his sangria hued irises stare into your soul for a couple of seconds, and you stare right back.

you lose the staring contest a couple seconds later, and he sticks his tongue out in victory when you squeeze your eyes together to wipe away the tears that formed. "shut up," you mumble under your breath, but he catches it and laughs freely.

after a comfortable silence, he speaks up again. "so when are you going to tell me what was bothering you today?"

"nothing was-"

"you can't lie to me." dammit.

"it's just, what if after all, i'm not-" he cuts you off again.

"cut out to be a hero?" surprisingly he finishes your sentence.

you nod, your voice small. "yeah."

"that's bullshit. is this because of that fucking half and half bastard, because i'll kill him-" you can see the rage in his face immediately at the thought of todoroki, and you laugh.

"it's not because of him, really." you look at your hand, suddenly finding the chipping f/c nail polish more interesting than your conversation.

"then what?" he sits up. "your quirk is pretty damn useful, and you've already made it into the hero course."

you smiled. "aw, are you trying to cheer me up?" you cooed at him, batting your eyelashes, and he sticks the finger at you.

"get your head out of your ass." he mumbles. "this is my thanks for trying to make you feel better?"

disappointment forgotten, you dedicate yourself to your favorite task, teasing katsuki. "admit it, you love me."

"fuck you."

his rather eloquent choice of words bring back a memory you had almost forgotten about. you feel your face get uncomfortably hot at the thought of what the note implied, and you press your cold hands over your face, shutting your eyes in attempt to rid the thoughts from your mind.

your expression doesn't go unnoticed by the blonde, and he pokes your face. "oi, don't get all blushy on me."

"i don't blush!" you let out an indignant squeak when your eyes open and his face is inches from yours. your hands fly out to push him away, squishing his cheek up against his eye as you roll to the other half of the bed.

you don't turn back, not wanting him to see the flustered expression you wore. "goodnight, katsuki."

he was silent for a while, and you had started to think you had messed up again when you felt his weight on the bed beside you shift and you feel his back, warm as it presses against your own.

"night," comes a gruff mumble through the pillow his head is buried into, and you smile to yourself, closing your eyes.

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