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❪ ⤿ ⁺  ̥˚ 💌┃₊ '17 : 'ᨏ ، ❍ ⑅ ، ₊ ˚  ༘₊

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❪ ⤿ ⁺ ̥˚ 💌┃₊ '17 : 'ᨏ ، ❍ ⑅ ، ₊ ˚ ༘
₊ . ⇢ ₍ chapter seventeen ¡¡ ₎* °🌹 
★ ₊˚., — date crashers  ,* .˚ ༘ 🤍
، ₊˚ * . ᭣᭫ᥫ᭡ :: ❛  𝒕hat was definitely
the worst date i've ever been on❜

during the entire ride up the extremely tall building that the restaurant was on the top floor of, you try many times to convince katsuki not to go, but he ignores your persuasion. your stomach churned at the thought of seeing your mother and katsuki at the same table again. he wordlessly hands you some indigestion pills, and you can't decide whether to feel grateful, or annoyed that katuski thought that far ahead. thankfully, the doors open, saving you from formulating a response.

you walk into the restaurant with your head down and shoulders hunched. despite your best attempts to become one with the wallpaper that adorns the walls of the expensive restaurant, your hawk eyed mother notices you immediately. her eyes narrow when she sees the smug blonde next to you, and you visibly recoil from the glare she shoots your way.

what is he doing here? her eyes seem to ask. 

you shrug, and walk over to her. as much as you are worried about this, seeing your mother's disgruntled face almost makes it worth it. she sitting at a table towards the corner of the restaurant, and the afternoon sun is spilling into the room, the cityscape view looking stunning under the sunlight.

there's a boy there, and what looks to be his father sitting at the table beside him you assume, from the matching cotton candy blue hair the two males have, though the boy has pretty ochre skin that contrasts his hair nicely. katsuki nudges you when he notices your stare lingering on the stranger.

the boy looks up from whatever he was doing on his phone, and smiles at you. his eyes are a pretty azure swirl, and they crinkle at the corners when he smiles. holy shit he's hot. suddenly you don't mind being a pawn in whatever (probably some kinds of illegal) scheme your mother is planning if it means seeing this boy again.

you walk over to your mother and her guests and nod your head in greeting before sitting down. katsuki doesn't bother and plops down, already miffed from your oogling, but you ignore him. it's not like you dragged him with you.

"n/n sweetie you made it!" your mother leans over to place a kiss on your cheek, and you resist the urge to wipe the residue from her lipstick off your face.

instead you give a weak smile back. "hey, mother." she harshly pinches your side at the name. you let out a small sigh. she always acted more intimate than she ever did when the two of you were in the presence of strangers. you know better than to believe her act, so you look away from her to gesture to the strangers. "are you going to introduce me, mama?"

she looks pleased at the use of the intimate name. "y/n honey, this is sorata-san and his son, taichi-chan. i see you brought bakugou-chan as well," katsuki stiffens, ready to sling a rude response at her at the affectionate way of addressing him. your mother laughs and pats your arm. "these two have always been attached at the hip." 

katsuki's eyes fall upon tadashi's and when he notices the frown in the other boy's expression at the mention of katsuki and your's closeness, feels the anger dissipate a bit. he sits up and throws an arm around you, tugging you closer to him.

"yeah," he agrees. "me and y/n are best friends."

you see what he's so obviously trying to do, and have to hide a smile. you were going to have so much fun telling mina and kirishima about this later.

. . .

"i take it back, this will never be a fun story to tell." you mutter under your breath.

the afternoon sky has become peachy with only streaks of lapis blue dotting the expanse above, and in the hour it has taken for the light to turn the prettiest shade of gold, bakugo katsuki has effectively managed to block all talks that would benefit your mother.

your mother's patience with the blonde's antics has finally run out, and she stands up. gesturing for sorata-san to follow her, she smiles at the three left sitting down. "we must be boring you three, why don't you get to know each other while us adults talk business?" sorata-san shares a laugh with her at her use of air quotes around the word business.

you don't smile, tired of this day already, and your mother huffs and turns away without another word. you'd be getting multiple angry voicemails tonight, you could feel it.

"satisfied?" you cross your arms, not looking at the smug boy next to you.

"very, actually. glad you noticed, best friend."

"please shut up about that," you sigh.

sorata-san's son, who's name you forgot, clears his throat awkwardly. "i'm going to take off and head home. are you staying?"

he aims the question at you, but katsuki answers like you expected anyway. "no, we have to get home."

"you live together?"

with all of our classmates, you briefly debate clearing up the misunderstanding with him, and eventually decide against it. your headache has left you feeling rather short with responses. "something like that. katsuki, you coming?" you're already standing, so the blonde gets up as well.

"course i am, who do you think drove you here?" at the mention of the car, the two of you make eye contact as you remember where the car was parked; in the middle of a no parking strip in front of the building you are in.

"oh shit the car!" he curses, grabbing your wrist and sprinting out of the restaurant. you forget to say goodbye to sorata-san's son, and your stress distracts you from that fact until you are in the elevator two minutes later.

"oh no, i didn't say goodbye." you frown. "i hope he doesn't think i'm rude."

"why do you care what a nerd like him thinks of you?" katsuki looks far too relaxed for your tastes, and you huff, handing him your heavy schoolbag to carry.

"that was definitely the worst date i've ever been on," he continues.

"you crashed my date, first of all." you retort. "this was also a fake date, but besides, isn't this your first date? what would you know about dates?"

"more than you," he goads you, and you let it happen. "you wouldn't know the first thing about a fun date."

"so you, mr. the-next-number-one-hero-doesn't-have-time-to-play, would? i'm great at having fun dates, i'll have you know," you rose to the challenge he lays out for you.

"oh yeah?" you frown, not at all liking the smug look on his face. why does he look like he doesn't believe you?

"i'll prove it!"

"looking forward to it." the small smile on his face doesn't disappear, even after the two of you find your the car had been towed and you'd have to take a train home.

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