Episode 37 - Weather or Not

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November 14th, 2062 - 22:17 NZDT

Outside their shared room, Kayo bangs on the door.

"Oh, come on, Alan," Kayo sighs from outside his room, "It was just a prank."

Today had been the day that Kayo got her revenge on Alan for hiding away on Lemaire's yacht when she confronted Lemaire accidently. Alan had been utterly embarrassed by the whole ordeal and had locked himself in his room and not answering to anyone.

"Guy trouble?" Marion asks as she walks by.

"Huh?" Kayo responds looking up and Marion beckons her to follow. They make their way along the corridor to Marion's room and enter, with Marion locking the door behind them so they aren't interrupted.

"So... You and Alan?" Marion smiles.

"What are you talking about?" Kayo replies defensively, "We've always been like this, right? I mean him being the youngest brother and the one set off to boarding school while I have a dysfunctional family, of course we're best friends. We didn't have anyone else apart from Fermat, who's now up to his own stuff so that's in the past. All we have is each other."

"You're rambling," Marion interrupts.

"I am?" Kayo questions, "I guess so."

"When are you going to tell him?" Marion asks, "I mean, I know it isn't the most easiest thing to do as I found out with Scott, but ultimately we're both happier now."

"I can't," Kayo says and looks away, finding the ceiling very interesting to look at, "I promised him no more secrets, then he found out about my uncle from him. Then I promised it again and... as soon as I said it, I broke it again."

"How comes?" Marion pushes.

"It's to do with my past... my father."

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Thunderbirds are Go!

November 14th, 2062 - 13:24 AST

Over the Arabian Desert, FAB 1 flies at a low altitude across the sandy dunes. They are on their way to Fischer Industries' latest presentation that involves some weather drones. Due to International Rescue's previous encounters with Fischer, when Penelope heard about the demonstration, she decided that it might be best to poke her nose in to what is going on and make sure that nothing bad happens. She intended to arrive there before the start of the presentation but due to unforeseen circumstances she is running a little bit late.

"Parker, you do realize we're going to be late for the presentation?" Penelope asks.

"Well, we'd be there now if Lady Chablis hadn't gone on for so long," Parker says.

"You know how she likes to show off her spoon collection. Next time cause a distraction," Penelope says.

"I could always set the dog on her!" Parker suggests and Sherbet barks as the rumble of thunder is heard in the background causing Penelope to look up.

"Hmm... that's peculiar," Penelope says and decides to contact John straight away. She knows International Rescue would be required with the person in question in charge.

John is sitting on his bed reading a book before he starts his shift. Ridley is about halfway through her shift, so it isn't urgent for him to be in the mission control room at the moment. Despite most books now being available online and able to read through a holo-screen, John prefers to have a physical book in his hands.

"Yes, Lady Penelope?" John asks, looking up from his book.

"John, I'm headed to the unveiling of a new environmental project. But it appears something... odd's going on," Penelope explains, "Could you have a look?"

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