Episode 61 - Flame Out

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November 23rd, 2064 - 13:00 NZST

It had now been just over a month since Alan took over the running of Thunderbird 5. John and Ridley announced their relationship to everyone else soon after their arrival on Tracy Island. While everyone was happy for them, Scott was worried about his youngest brother. He knew that Kayo leaving for London had hurt him badly and his suggestion to stay on Thunderbird 5 was a way to distract himself from that sadness. Alan also claimed, when Scott asked, that it would allow him to focus more on his university studies. Being in his second year, Alan needed to make sure he wasn't going to fall behind his studies as he works tirelessly at International Rescue.

After finishing his lunch, Alan goes to the mission control room to check if any emergencies have appeared while he was on a break. Upon arrival, an orange alarm appears on his screen, indicating that there is a situation that International Rescue needs attending to. He clicks on the warning that has shown up over the Californian Desert and his eyes widen in horror. "Major rupture reported at the Western Hydro-methane Storage Facility," Alan exclaims and pulls open a channel to Tracy Island, "International Rescue, we have a situation."

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Thunderbirds are Go!

In the lounge, Scott, Marion and Gordon are gathered in a small discussion when Alan appears on the holo-screen in front of then and explains the situation. The previously orange warning by this point as changed to red, indicating a high priority. Alan displays a hologram of the Hydro-methane Storage Facility as he explains all the information that EOS has gathered for him.

"The United States Major Incidents Division are fielding this," Alan states as he closes the hologram of the storage facility, "I've got one of them on the line. He wants to speak to us."

"Hey there, International Rescue," an older man says, replacing Alan's hologram, "This is—"

"Kip Harris!" Virgil suddenly yells from the balcony and distracting him from his painting.

"Guilty as charged," Kip replies with a smirk.

"Hubba hubba!" Sally smiles as she walks into the room after hearing a commotion from the kitchen.

"Mr Harris, how can we help?" Scott asks.

"A worker called in the hydro-methane rupture," Kip explains, "She says there's no casualties, but it's leaking like the Rio Grande. My team are busy with a forest fire upstate. I'm shorthanded and wondered if you couldn't spare a couple of yours.

"Yes," Virgil whispers down to Scott, "Say yes."

"Er," Scott stutters as he looks over to Marion who just smiles, "Sure thing, Mr Harris. We'll send three of our best to meet you there."

"Much obliged, son," Kip replies and tips his cowboy hat before his hologram disappears.

"Okay, who wants to—" Marion starts with a smile.

"I'll go! Count me in," Virgil yells running down the stairs and towards his rocket silo, "Thunderbird 2, no question."

"What's the big deal, Virge?" Nina asks as she enters the room with raised eyebrows at her boyfriend.

"Yeah," Gordon chuckles, "Why are you so keen to help out the old guy?"

"Gordon, that's Kip Harris," Virgil replies, "THE Kip Harris."

"Oh, Kip Harris!" Gordon says in realisation and starts nodding his head but stopping, "Nope, never heard of him."

"If cavemen discovered fire, then Kip Harris invented putting it out," Virgil exclaims, "He's a living legend. I've read all his books. I've studied all his major missions. I've even got a vintage Kip Harris action figure."

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