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Ladies, Gentlemen, theys and gays, We have another family chapter, but this time, it's the Demon bull Family! I'm not making them jerk in this one! Boom! Enjoy!
~Redsons POV~

No! No! No! This can't be happening to me! I can't control this power! Why would they give it back to me!?!

I was gripping the sides of my head! I have to calm down!?! Just think happy thoughts!?!

I started to take long deep breathes, and after about an hour, the flames around me vanished, I opened my eyes and saw Noone was around, but I do know who gave it back to me.

It wasn't Mei, it wasn't Wukong, and it wasn't my father either, I know for a fact that it was the LBD, but I can't face her, Not yet anyways, I'm not emotionally or physically strong enough, Despite having the most power in the universe right now.

I stood up and left the ritual area, for now, I have to go home.


I arrived back at the palace, and all the lights were off, My parents must be asleep, i slowly shut the door behind me and quietly walked to my room.

I shut the door behind me, and I walked over to my bed, I took off my jacket and Threw it in the laundry basket, I began to get Ready for bed while remaining as calm as I could.

As I was brushing my hair out, I heard someone walk in, I turned my head and saw my mother, she looked concerned, she walked over and sat in front of me, Not long after, my father came in, and he sat behind me, he grabbed the brush from my hair and he started to brush my hair.

"We can tell something is wrong" Mother said to me

"How? I thought you both were asleep?" I asked

"We heard the door open and we know that when you come home, you would tell us, This time, you said nothing" father answered

I began to sweat and mother wiped it away

"Are you sick?" Mother asked

I shook my head no,

"No, I don't think so" I answered

I began to sweat even more, if mother and father find out about this situation, they will be so incredibly angry at me.

I began to take deep breathes and the sweat went away, I smiled a bit and I felt mother hug me, I hugged back and smiled


I sat up in my bed sweating, I was breathing heavy and I had tears streaming down my face, it was just à bad dream.

I began shaking and within seconds, the shamadi flames surrounded me, I tried everything I could to calm down but nothing is working.

I heard the door slam open and I saw my parents, mother looked shocked and father looked concerned.

"Red son, how did this happen?" Father asked

I teared up more

"I was captured earlier today on a mission, and The lady bone demon put the fire back into me! I don't know what to do!" I Yelled.

I saw mother and father look at eachother, then mother walked over to me, and she grabbed my hands,

"I have a way that can calm you down, but I can't guarantee it'll work, I used to do this when I was younger" Mother said

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